Monday, July 7, 2008

Hi guys

sorry I was crabby earlier
yes I do know single parenting is hard, I didn't mean to imply it wasn't

some days are harder than others

did you know that a lot of the experts say that 80% of marriages with an autistic kid end in divorce.

sometimes I question that statistic And I do wonder if it's true
but I do know it's hard, and I do know that my husband wont even take a day off of work to go with me to an appointment with the genetics doctors...I wonder if I am just doing this all by myself anyway. And when five minutes after my comforting the boy when he was so upset because he doenst get to play baseball the husband yells at him for having to go to the bathroom,I wonder if we are even on the same planet.

Yes I toy around with it in my head
I love the guy and I wouldn't split with him just because I need a cup of coffee :)

I just want him to take visitation rights once in awhile :)


Liz said...

you are entitled to feel crabby... sounds like you have lots on your mind and lots going on. hope everything goes well at the appts this week...take care!

Anonymous said...

And I sure didn't mean it to sound like being a single parent was harder than what you go through. It's just a different perspective.

Personally, I'd schedule yourself some time each week. How about 2 hours? And then go out, turn off the cell phone and leave. And if your dh doesn't agree with that, how about taking 1 child with you... no that doesn't satisfy alone time, but I find it easier with just 1 kid. And just do something relaxing with that child for 2 hours.