Friday, September 19, 2008

a cute moo story

LOL so I was washing some dishes and I spilled a tiny bit of water on the floor
I was out of dish rags in my kitchen drawer, so I had to go tot he hall to grab some more
while I was in the hallway Moo came running into the kitchen, well as you may know 1 tile floor + some water + 1 toddler = disaster she slid and scraped her knee against the cabinet :(

she got up and came over to me "mommy mommy my knee is bwoken, it's all wed and wet!"

isn't she cute?

the good news is 1 toddler with a bloody knee + 1 hello kitty bandage = happiness

goodnight all it's been a long day and I am TIRED!!

just a little whine and I wont say anything any more!

years ago a company that sells campers stole eight thousand dollars from my husband and I when they declared bankruptcy shortly after we ordered a brand new camper from them.

the AG of my state first said that they could not do anything about it

the lawyers got to work

the company owed a lot of money to a lot of people
after rereading several times the dates of the transactions, and the date of the file, and all that I pointed out to Dh that they cashed the check after they filed for bankruptcy, Dh pointed that fact out to the lawyers who got together and sued the company.

all the while we are still getting sales papers from the company, we are told that it is a company of the same name, but it is the brother of the guy who filed bankruptcy and not the guy who took our cash.

soo the AG did get some money from them

guess what?

the banks and the companies all got paid first before regular ordinary everyday people who saved up to get a camper got a dime

in the end we got almost three thousand back and we were damn happy to get that...not really happy about having to declare it on our taxes, but happy none the less

The whole ordeal made us feel powerless

the big guys get everything first, the rich guys have more power

you know all this crap that is going on, is making us feel that way again

none of the other stuff is important

the people in Texas have no homes no food, no water, no power, NO HELP!

as long as the big guys get paid!

I honestly do not think I can watch the news anymore

OK back to normal now

any ideas on where I can find little girls underwear that doesn't have colorful designs on it?

seriously 2T and 4T are close enough in size, and my eyes are poor enough that I get a headache sorting them KWIM?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

do they literally mean to wrap a blanket around?

when they say "wrap a blanket aroudn your tomato plants, a frost is coming tonight"

no complaints

I coudl complain that my girl got sick coming home from dropping the boy off at school

I coudl complain that I cleaned the car yesterday, and today she loses her breakfast all over it

I coudl complain that I have no way to go to the school open house

I coudl complain that I seem to have trouble typing the word "could"

but I am not, I will look at the bright side

I get to spend the day with my girls!

c o u l d
c o u l d

man I can't believe how bad I type!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wow the bus came on time today!

yay! she may actually get to school on time today!!!

I didnt get but a couple of pictures and I hadnt changed the ISO so...

here is one from yesterday!

and what the heck

here is one of the boy

poser LOL

poser by you.

Did you ever have some one on your mind

I've been thinking about a friend of mine from WAY back

before kids
as in...the last time we talked on the phone my oldest was a baby!
for some reason I can't get her out of my head

So I wrote her a letter, and I actually put it in the mail!

I hope she lives in the same place, we used to be neighbors Way back before Dh and I moved back to Massachusetts.

it's been a long time, gosh her kids must be all grown up now

she was a good friend and she has never met my children.
it's kind of sad to think of friends that I have drifted away from


but writing the letter was cool!

oh boy today is a busy day

today starts up the home visits
hard to squeeze these things in between the picking kids up and school and all that LOL

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

going to be busy for a few days

I have so much to accomplish in just a few days

DH is going to be gone for a bit

school stuff is happening at both schools

love that "being in two places at once" trick

ohh I almost forgot I need to vote today
voting day means half a day at the public least it's not both schools half a day LOL
I wish I could vote at her school, i would jsut pick her up, but No it's the other side of town...who figures out this precinct stuff?

Monday, September 15, 2008

OMGosh this was so funny!

have I ever mentioned my affection for google calendars?

I know when DH has something planned
I know when his trips are

If he changes anything on his calendar I get an email

but the best is MB's school uses it too so I subscribed to their calendar and
I get an email when they put something on theirs

how cool is that?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

so since DH was not at home

I could not leave the kids with him while I helped out in the nursery
our church has the kids in the service for the first 15-20 minutes and then they go out to the Sunday school class

OK so they said I could bring them with me and just take them to Sunday school at the designated time

boy: "mom I'm in the fifth grade now you know...I am pretty sure I can sit in the sanctuary for church until I can go to class"

yikes I said "um I am not going to leave you alone in church"

MB said "mom at school you don't even have to sign me out remember? I can sit in church!"

SO I asked a few people to keep an eye on him and let him go


the good news is that the people who I asked to watch him said he was awesome, even helping the people around him get the right page in the hymnal.

this growing up stuff is H-A-R-D!!!!!!

I love babies

Today I will help out with the babies at church

my favorite job of all!