Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Breakthrough?

LPS jess
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
My kids have all developed a terrible habit of dumping whatever is in their hands off on the table, all the time, so we have really have been working on everyone trying to keep the table clear at all times....more times than I can count lately I have answered the question "Can I draw now?" with "after we make sure the table is cleared" of course today I have been busy so have not made it a priority....In comes Jess from the school bus with her jacket on, and her backpack on, and without saying a word she started putting away the various items on the table, when it was all cleared she said "I can draw now right?" um yes you can sweetie Yes you can!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How important are friendships?

Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
My boy came home from school today in a real foul Mood! He looked like someone had drained all the energy right out of him I let him take a short nap until his sister got home, and he seemed better, but not himself, I was worried, but he did do some homework for awhile and had dinner and then it was time for scouts. he got his uniform on and still looked sad and tired, me I worry all the time, but wow I hadn't seem him like this in a long time. We had planned to give a friend a ride to scouts so we stopped to pick up his friend to take with us  and this boy got in the car and he instantly changed the mood, He had such a positive energy, first they started talking about school a little and then Halloween and then he started making jokes and making us all laugh...and voila! I dropped off a smiling boy at scouts who ran into the building at full speed....Now tell me again about how friendships are not important