Monday, September 27, 2010

Team Hussey!

I'm so proud of my family and friends who joined together to do this walk Now for Autism In Boston  I am so proud to say that to this date Our Little team has raised 637 dollars!!!!!  and the cool thing is...we can continue to accept donations!!!

So if you want to help our team raise even more
please check out our team page TEAM HUSSEY 
You can click on General Team Donation
Or any of the individual walkers listed on the right :-)

Now I would like to talk to you about The walk, what we liked and what we thought could use some improvememnt :-)

So Next year what we will do different:

Next year we will start our quest for team members earlier :-)
Wouldn't it be great to have a lot more family members and friends all together it could be a big Party! :-)

Nest Year we will also start fund raising earlier :-) Maybe we can do some wrap around events That would be fun!

Next Year we will Not be using iron on t-shirt transfers to make our own t-shirts, instead we will be sending out our t-shirts to be made by professional t-shirt makers  OR we will just have Emily make them all with her fabric markers :-)

Next year we will get there early, we will look around and investigate things before going in, we will Stop and get Team photos done, Now that we know they do Team photos, and also  because we will be there early we will have time to pose for team photos :-)

Next year we will eat early, before we let the kids get all into the crafts and things :-) because spin art and face paint is cool, but missing out on the free food is not cool KWIM? LOL

Next Year I will make sure I have the right lens on my camera before I grab it LOL

My pictures were taken with a telephoto lens
i will post some of DH's pics when he gets them up, he remembered the right lens!
meanwhile enjoy these:

Moo black and white


                                 the big kid!
                           My Friend Deb!
                          close up!
                     The firetruck tires were BIG like Moo
                            Team Hussey the younger set!
                           Team Play
                         Team Work
                                When she walks she means business