Thursday, August 6, 2009

Messy Hmm

Messy Hmm
Originally uploaded by dennisgg2002
Dennis took this and I like it :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

blog entry -Yesterday was an interesting day.

got locked out of the car at the boy's doctor and my spare key is missing
so we had to walk home.

in my mind the way home was shorter and paved with sidewalks, I would never do that again!
Mary-Ann needs to learn how to let go of her issues about asking for help, or taking help from people.

the good news is we made it home ok, we played in the sprinkler for a bit and htne we broke into our house :)
still can't find my spare keys so we had to wait until DH got home from Maine to get the van.

the boy believes this to be one of his greatest adventures and we talked about turning everyday situations into adventures...anything can be fun depending on how you look at it :)

I have a lot to do today
the boy is going to his friend's house to "hang out" ROFL

before that we are off to Lowes to get some keys made :)
then we have to clean because my house is a pig sty with all the searching for the missing key that went on yesterday :)

So lessons learned?

1) ask for help when you need it
2) accept help when it's offered
3) never let the Moo-ster play with your keys (knew that one already just lost my brain for a bit)
4) Check and make sure you have your spare keys instead of assuming they are where you think they are.
I know there was one more but I can't remember it....hmm I guess that means I didn't learn it so, NEVER MIND! LOL
Now off to face the day.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ugh why am I not blogging?

what is the reason for neglecting my blog
I love blogging




and same thing as always

too many things going on at the same time