Tuesday, July 8, 2008

From the weekend---protesters

One thing I found really happy and sad
we went to Bedford MA on Thursday night
was going to the whole foods store, lots of traffic, and we came upon the center square part of the town, obviously there was something going on for 4th celebration, I could see some people the green area. as the traffic moved along I got closer and saw that they were elderly people and they were carrying signs, I thought "that is sweet" then as I got closer I read the signs and they lifted my spirit so high!

"end the war" "Honk for peace"

I love this country I mean seriously these people looked like they had walked over from the nursing home, and they were protesting the war HOW totally 60s how totally AWESOME! it gives you hope to see something like that.

I reached for my horn and honked several times, when it dawned on me

traffic everywhere slow moving, lots of people

"Honk for peace"

it was silent, I was the only car beeping
I looked into the cars that were coming in the other direction, the drivers were all looking forward, gripping their steering wheels LOOKING AWAY
when I came up the the center and I could see the man with the "honk for peace" he was looking at me, waving at me smiling but it seemed like a strained smile. maybe that sign is heavy?

I honked and honked and I was the only one.

kind of sad, I got to whole foods and met DH there and we went in
had our dinner, and shopped a bit and left the traffic was gone, and the protesters were gone

I wish I had pulled over and got my kids out and gone up to them and talked to them.

I don't know how anyone could not honk for peace!!!!!!!

my favorite bumper sticker that is on a car of someone that goes to my church :)

"When Jesus said "love thy enemies" he probably meant "don't kill them"

then a friend told me she saw one that said “You cannot love your enemies and bomb them simultaneously”.

I feel as though the War in Iraq goes against God and I am shocked at how many people don't agree.

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