Monday, March 2, 2009

44 years of fun and excitement :)

Well so the birthday didn't go as planned but... well that is what life is all about right?
we all got ready to go to Church the girls were super excited because I had matching butterfly dresses for them, and then we were just about to leave when Messy had an accident....most kids a quick change into another dress would be fine, but not her :( she really wanted to match her sister, and even her french poodle dress (her favorite) was not en0ugh to let us get to church on time :( I was a bit disappointed.

we spent the rest of the day getting DH's car fixed, and shopping for a new haircolor, they don't have mine anymore ...actually according the the website they still make my color, but they are not to be found anywhere.

made dinner, birthday person gets to pick, so I picked breakfast...breakfast for dinner was one of my favorite dinners as a kid so.... it sort of loses it's fun when you are the one cooking it ROFL but it was still good :) I got many birthday wishes.

then the boys went down to watch Indana Jones and the girls and I frosted the cake :)

we sang Happy Birthday, and then we ate cake, Moo just licked the frosting off, Dh got pics of the kids with chocolate frosting all over ROFL

oh Dh got my flowers

that was my birthday
I wish I had gotten to church, but other than that I had a good day with the kiddos


Next week we will celebrate our anniversay!

I'm planning on making a something special...but I am not sure what yet ROFL

thanks to all my friends for all the wonderful wishes