Friday, January 9, 2009

I think it's funny

first you have to understand that we do not use the kids nicknames usually at home....I may have occasionally called Mapboy "Mapboy" because...well he is always reading maps but it's not what we say usually.

Today he is showing me his racing game

"mom look at this it's so cool, you drive right into the volcano, and I'm so boosted up Nothing can stop me!"

little moo standing on the sidelines says in the same kind of voice "Nothing can stop the MAP BOY!!"


that was very funny

I have a whine

Messy is on Lamictal for her epilepsy
we have been increasing her dosage slightly every week
can the doctors write the prescription for the maximum dosage instead of the beginning dose?

so every time we run out the insurance company wont refill the prescription because the thing says to take less than I am giving her *sigh*

and every time I call the Dr's office they always phone in another prescription for the same dosage, no matter how well I explain it to which the insurance company wont refill because it is just a prescription for the same thing, and she should have lots left over


So I need to call the Dr's again and get them to write a NEW prescription for the higher dosage before the insurance will's like an endless cycle

But it is not endless because we are now at 100 MGs a day and hopefully the blood test will tell us she has the right amount in her blood stream :)

just thinking out loud

I can't do all the things I need to do while the kids are in school

so should I save a trip to the laundry for with the kids, or grocery store?

I think that the laundromat is easier with kids than the store

I can sit them down and give them some paper and crayons, boy can have his DS

I really dislike it when DH works the weekend

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hey there

Just busy
finally got the kiddos to school

now I am trying to clean the house

how the heck did Christmas ornaments get in the toy box?



hope you are all doing well

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

be prepared

I figured out how to upload my blackberry videos :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

new furniture *sigh*

I want to share a story from way back when Mapboy was a baby

what I sight we must have been Dad and mom both fat sitting on what we through was a pretty cool futon.

we heard a crack and were both on our backsides laughing up a storm

it took us weeks to decide what couch to buy
we sat in ever couch in ever furniture store
we wanted one that would be comfortable for 2 hours since that is how long a movie is
we wanted one where we could sit comfortable, and a place for MB to sit when he got older

we ended up buying a recliner sofa, with the pull down table Perfect for us, a place to put our cups and the table flips up to make room for the boy when he got older.

little did we know...out family was going to grow

we were able to squeeze 2 kids onto the couch with us, but not all three, someone always has to sit on the floor KWIM?

plus we have holes, and broken springs

it has been WAY past time to get a new one

SO tomorrow Ikea will deliver our two new love seats :)

and we will have enough space for the whole family to sit at once :)

I'm very happy

but I will miss the old couch

how many pictures do we have of the kids sitting on it wiht it's green background?

how many movies we watched? how many naps? how many times we had to lift it up to look for a lost remote? how many sick kids sleeping there? how many episodes of "House" have I fallen asleep watching on that couch? LOL

I will miss the ugly shade of green that looked so nice when it was new, but hasn't looked that great since the time we rented a steamer to clean up so vomit off the couch ROFL
the rough texture that seemed so great when we bought it, but lately feels like sandpaper

since it developed a hole in it I always have to say "don't put you finger in it!"
how many times have I said "the couch is not a trampoline" you know I will still be saying that...maybe we could have saved money if we got one couch and one trampoline and then the kids could jump while the grown ups sat?


in truth the new love seats, are not the style of my dreams, but they were afordable, and they will give us something we have nto had EVER :)


on the eleventh day

of Christmas..what has our family?
1 strep throat
1 sinus infection
2 kids home from school
1 Dennis home from work
5 phone calls to make
3 errands to run
5 grumpy family members
4 real bad colds
3 doctors appointments
2 antibiotics
and a Moo who isn't even sick

hey if you can't have fun with every day how can you have fun at all?