Friday, August 22, 2008

Today we tested

how long does it take to get to the school
drop the kid off and be back for the bus for the girl?

18 minute one way--no traffic
we tried two ways
highway - 12.4 miles 18 minutes
back roads - 8 miles 18 minutes

ugh how can I be in two places at once?

I guess it will have to be worked out

maybe I can find a sitter for her bus time???


OMGosh I saw the most amazing thing today

I went out to cook chicken on the grill
I heard a squirrel chirping quite loud so I looked at first I saw nothing and took a step in that direction...well off flies a red tail hawk with a squirrel in his grasp
then he dropped the squirrel and it went thud onto the top of our shed, then rolled onto the ground

WOW those hawks impress me every time I see them

here is a picture I took of him from winter time

red tailed hawk closer

no I didn't get a picture of him now..who takes their camera out to cook chicken on the grill?

looks like a smile

what the heck I'll throw in my favorite picture of a squirrel from last may

Oh I think the squirrel was fine he got up and disappeared :)

the boy's art

a walk in the wild

By Mapboy

whew that was a lot of pictures!

Do you think pictures with the selective color, or the accent colors are creepy?

Dh made a comment last night but would not elaborate.

"some of those creep me out"

do they creep you out? or do you think it's cool?

I think it's cool, but like I said before It's not like I would take all my pictures like that now
just was fun to joke around with :)

Playing with color

Today someone taught me how to use Accent color feature on my old camera

so I had some fun with the kids in the playground

yes I had this camera for awhile and tried to figure out this feature and I did not

Yes it is the 9 year old who taught me how to do it

anyway it's nto something I would do on a regular basis btu it's fun once in awhile!

a tiny touch of blue

a tiny touch of blue

Dreary day, made yellow by play

messy colors

blue sox fan?

I'm not looking at you by you.

want to slide by you.

these hard to open bottles are leaving me blue

having the blues

walking the blues by you.

dizzy? by you.

tunnel of blue by you.

messy says "hi there" by you.

over there by you.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

what would you do?

I want something
PEC software

well it will make my life easier
it will help my daughter in her communication

it's something I've been planning on buying but there is always some budget emergency
and now we have a big money drain and I am just plain at wits end.

can I wait until next year to buy this program?

the woman at the school has told me about a place I can go borrow a copy of it, bring it home and copy it and bring it back...the place is a public library but not the library in my town, but the library in my district so I can go and take stuff from the library but still...

that is so wrong

but everyone else does it?

but it's wrong
i think I am allowed to bring it home and use it for myself, but NOT copy it

I can't imagine a library allowing this

I've never been tempted to do something like this before.

Dh says to just go and do it


I know people do this stuff all the time, but I don't

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It changes everything

it changes the way we get up in the morning
the way we spend our day
go to bed at night
and sleep
the food we buy
and eat
the medicine we buy
and take
the friends we have
or don't
the stores we shop at
the clothes we wear
the car we drive
the landscaping of our yard
our credit score
what we do for recreation
or entertainment
the way we look at everything
who we trust
and who we don't
what we believe in
and what we don't
what we stand up for
who we stand next to
and when we sit
the church we go to
the way we vote
what we draw
or paint
or sculpt
the poems we write
the colors we paint our walls
our weight
our self image
our self worth
and our self esteem
our blood pressure
our stress level
the way we fight
the way we speak
the way we whisper
the way we shout
our hopes
our dreams
our reality
our anger
our passion
our love



comedy and tragedy

Last night after the kids went to bed, I was trying to avoid housework I turned on the tv and there was a comedy program on

I posted a whole blog about why I don't think most comedy is funny

read it all back and thoguht
...gee I am getting old, I sound like my grandpa...(since I never had a grandpa, I use the term symbolically)

"young people these days...they don't know real comedy"

"back in the day..they knew how to make you laugh" (seriously remember when all they had to do was smash a watermelon and you thought it was funny?)

I don't want to be a grumpy old lady who hates everything LOL

So I deleted the entry and I turned off the tv and went and got out one of my favorite all time movies that makes me laugh every time "My cousin Vinny" me and my friends used to break out the VCR and have a "My Cousin Vinny" party, for girls night out. So I fired up the home theater and watched it.

hmm ok so I proved a point maybe it's not comedy
maybe I am getting too old to laugh?


anyone know any good jokes?


on a side note I try not to be too offended by things, but really I think sexual abuse of a child is NOT funny and I think I would still think it not funny if I were not a survivor

Monday, August 18, 2008

getting ready for back to school

it's a lot of fun huh?

speech therapists are hard to come by

funny how things work out sometime

I had to get an appointment with a speech therapist
and another one for 8 months later to see if her meds are helping

I was having MAJOR stress because the guy who was recommended to us was booked solid
and so wasn't every other therapist we tried to get.

prayers and hope

and ZING!!!

someone canceled
so we have an appointment with the guy who was recommended to us

cool huh?

my hat