Saturday, December 4, 2010

The real story of thanksgiving---a conversation between my kids

crew 2
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
"The real story of thanksgiving" Mapboy read the a title of a show on our tivo--I'd been saving it because I thought he would find it interesting. Moo said "the real story of thanksgiving is God." Jess, while stuffing noodles into her mouth, said "No it's eating turkey and pie!" Moo said "Thats just what they did, but the real meaning is praying and the only one you should pray to is God!" So Mapboy started telling his version of the story "in 1820 the pilgrims came to America...." Jess cut him off "PILGRIMS? I learned about that at home!"
She meant school, she sometimes mixes that up! so I asked her what she learned about pilgrims in school and she said "they eat turkey and pie! "

I don't think I have ever seen her so engaged in a conversation!
it made me laugh and cry!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sweet potato, tomato, spinach, and alphabet soup

Sweet Potato, Spinach and Tomato Soup

Here is the recipe I made some changes which I added below.

3 cloves crushed or finely chopped garlic
1 large onion, chopped
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 quarts chicken broth
3 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
1 pound fresh triple washed spinach, stems picked and coarsely chopped
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, grated or ground
Salt and pepper
1 (28-ounce) can chunky-style crushed tomatoes or diced tomatoes in puree
1/2 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano or Romano
In a deep pot, saute garlic and onion in oil for 2 or 3 minutes. Add broth and bring liquid to a boil. As you slice sweet potatoes, add them carefully to the broth. Cook sweet potatoes 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. The potatoes will begin to break up and thicken broth as the soup cooks. Stir in spinach in bunches as it wilts into soup. Season soup with nutmeg, salt and pepper, to your taste. Stir in tomatoes and heat through, 1 or 2 minutes. Remove pot from the stove to a trivet. Stir grated cheese into your soup and serve.


Ok I didn't have any fresh spinach on hand so I used frozen it is Way better with fresh!

I doubled the broth
I added a box of alphabet pasta
! added some poultry seasoning

it was very good, but I forgot that I am not a fan of pasta in soup, as the pasta absorbs all the liquid So when I ate it it was good, but now as I am putting the leftovers in the fridge it looks like mutant pasta in there HAHA

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Breakthrough?

LPS jess
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
My kids have all developed a terrible habit of dumping whatever is in their hands off on the table, all the time, so we have really have been working on everyone trying to keep the table clear at all times....more times than I can count lately I have answered the question "Can I draw now?" with "after we make sure the table is cleared" of course today I have been busy so have not made it a priority....In comes Jess from the school bus with her jacket on, and her backpack on, and without saying a word she started putting away the various items on the table, when it was all cleared she said "I can draw now right?" um yes you can sweetie Yes you can!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How important are friendships?

Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
My boy came home from school today in a real foul Mood! He looked like someone had drained all the energy right out of him I let him take a short nap until his sister got home, and he seemed better, but not himself, I was worried, but he did do some homework for awhile and had dinner and then it was time for scouts. he got his uniform on and still looked sad and tired, me I worry all the time, but wow I hadn't seem him like this in a long time. We had planned to give a friend a ride to scouts so we stopped to pick up his friend to take with us  and this boy got in the car and he instantly changed the mood, He had such a positive energy, first they started talking about school a little and then Halloween and then he started making jokes and making us all laugh...and voila! I dropped off a smiling boy at scouts who ran into the building at full speed....Now tell me again about how friendships are not important

Monday, September 27, 2010

Team Hussey!

I'm so proud of my family and friends who joined together to do this walk Now for Autism In Boston  I am so proud to say that to this date Our Little team has raised 637 dollars!!!!!  and the cool thing is...we can continue to accept donations!!!

So if you want to help our team raise even more
please check out our team page TEAM HUSSEY 
You can click on General Team Donation
Or any of the individual walkers listed on the right :-)

Now I would like to talk to you about The walk, what we liked and what we thought could use some improvememnt :-)

So Next year what we will do different:

Next year we will start our quest for team members earlier :-)
Wouldn't it be great to have a lot more family members and friends all together it could be a big Party! :-)

Nest Year we will also start fund raising earlier :-) Maybe we can do some wrap around events That would be fun!

Next Year we will Not be using iron on t-shirt transfers to make our own t-shirts, instead we will be sending out our t-shirts to be made by professional t-shirt makers  OR we will just have Emily make them all with her fabric markers :-)

Next year we will get there early, we will look around and investigate things before going in, we will Stop and get Team photos done, Now that we know they do Team photos, and also  because we will be there early we will have time to pose for team photos :-)

Next year we will eat early, before we let the kids get all into the crafts and things :-) because spin art and face paint is cool, but missing out on the free food is not cool KWIM? LOL

Next Year I will make sure I have the right lens on my camera before I grab it LOL

My pictures were taken with a telephoto lens
i will post some of DH's pics when he gets them up, he remembered the right lens!
meanwhile enjoy these:

Moo black and white


                                 the big kid!
                           My Friend Deb!
                          close up!
                     The firetruck tires were BIG like Moo
                            Team Hussey the younger set!
                           Team Play
                         Team Work
                                When she walks she means business

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bring on the school year!

the fam
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
Our Stay-cation is over, we had a lot of fun, now it's time to wind down and get ready for school.
we are working on schedules and chores and such. We need to do a couple old fashion visits to the school playgrounds :) get these kids excited about school right?

Moo is in the afternoon class this year, THAT is going to take some getting used to LOL

apparently the boy got himself into some poison sumac or something. so he is very itchie! and my computer is not working, which makes me nervous I am praying DH can recover my pictures! other than that, everyone has been doing pretty good!

This is the calm before the storm. When school starts we will see how it goes :-)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

This blog post is full of hope! ;-)

my prison is...
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
Jessica started a new thing yesterday that took us by surprise.
She has been doing so good lately everyone has seen improvement. she seems happier, she has back and forth doesn't always make sense but it's a start and gives you hope that she may do well. But I think we have put too much into the recent improvements, I think we forget about the word finding disorder. we started expecting too much.
The troubles started when I asked her to put on her shoes, she has a new pair of sandals that have sparkles n them that she loves. She started pacing around the house. Dennis said "Jessica! mom said to put your shoes on!" she groaned and started pacing faster---this should be a signal to us that she is agitated, but we missed it ...usually we note it after "we should have figured she was upset since she was pacing" or "we should have known she needed the bathroom since she was pacing"
Everyone was busy getting ready to leave and Dennis said "Jessica we told you to put your shoes on. She stomped her foot, we have taught her to stamp her foot when she is angry because it was better than punching out! Then she sat down hard into the chair and started growling and hitting herself :( I hope this was a one time thing, I can see her frustration and I can do nothing to give her peace :(
It turns out after much investigating that she didn't want to put her new sandals on because they hurt her feet, but she could not tell us that.
Well the rest of the day went well, we got her her sneakers and we all went out to enjoy the day... But seeing your child trying to hurt herself is quite upsetting!
I will say she had a major meltdown later in the day, and did not hit herself which is a good sign.

I need to learn to be more in tuned with my daughter.

Our Stay-cation is almost over, and we are getting ready to get back in the groove of schools, and schedules, I think I am too distracted.
Hopefully we can get back on track, hopefully we can improve communication, hopefully this transition to 2nd grade will go smoothly.

See I can honestly say that this blog post is full of hope!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer sun!

balloons 2
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
We are a busy family trying to cram a summers worth of fun into two weeks..
here a a shot from the balloon rally in Pittsfield NH
we will remember to go here next year.

Hope your summer is going well!

school starts soon.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A New Box of Crayons

In our family there is not much that is more exciting than getting a new box of Crayons!

first we need to admire the box with it's shiny wrapper and promises of beautiful colors.
once you open the package you get the experience the smells

                                     and the colors Oh boy the colors

and then, well I don't know about your family but in my family, some lining up has to occur
 it has to be Crayola too no other crayons smell like, or have as deep and rich colors

 maybe we should do a commercial
the kids are coloring :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Trying to stay out of sight

This summer has not turned out as planned....haha what ever does right?
I had visions of getting projects done around the house, spending time with friends/family, going to zoos and museums and I really wanted to introduce Moo to an art museum SHE will love it! But things happen, sometimes communications get mixed up, or kids get sick, plans get changed
ESY makes it hard, they call it special needs summer school in my town but I will stick with the term "extended school year" thank you :) its every day until 12:00 J gets home about 12:30 so no plans can start until after that.
plus there is the dreaded summer packet for The boy's school, we had originally planned on adding work to it, but I forgot he has ADHD and Asperger's even if it's not too difficult it will be hard for him to stay focused and get things done :-( even working on it every day I'm not sure he will even finish it :(

It hasn't all been bad, we've has some fun time I just seem a little removed from it all.
Now the focus is on back to school shopping. blah I'd rather shop for summer things :-)

what really have I been doing?
I think it's time to admit that maybe I need a little help....

Monday, August 2, 2010

Care to join me?

Care to join me?
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
I'd really love another cup of coffee
I feel like it will be the ticket to losing this headache

I had a rough morning this morning. i did not want to wake up, I was slow to move, and then the jack hammers hit....I know I am not normal, but i cannot think when jack hammers are grinding away. I couldn't even make out what they were doing, so I called the bus company to pick J up at the end of the street, by the time I came back from putting her on the bus the workers were all gone. Is it funny that the headache remains?

so glad I don't live in the city anymore HAHA
Jessica has autism and she didn't mind the jack hammers, I felt like a prisoner in my own skin! :( while we are talking about this....why is it that she cannot tolerate the coffee grinder that isn't that loud, but she doesn't care about the really loud noises????

one more questions I will probably never get the answer to.

OK now it's quiet I have my coffee and I might just sneak in a nap before Jessica gets home from ESY Dh is home from work sick. I'm sure he can keep an eye on the little one :-)

who am I kidding I have a list of chores to do, but it's nice to day dream :-)

have an extra cup of coffee today.

danger too cute!

danger too cute!
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
Don't you hate those blog entries
where the person apologizes for not posting in a long time, and something about life getting busy and they promise not to let the blog go again, and then you look at the date and find out that this blog entry was posted two months ago.

Well this blog entry is not like that!

I've decided to hijack my own blog and take it over :)

Oh here is a picture of my baby she is 4-1/2
don't let the shirt fool you, she only has a bad attitude at home ROFL

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mapboy Geometry

Mapboy Geometry
Originally uploaded by dennisgg2002
Dh took this
i love it!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The awful Normals

J actually poses
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
I watched a movie last week called Phoebe in Wonderland
I wont tell you about it but to say that you should see it! It is on the instant Netflix.

here is a quote from the movie that I cannot get out of my head.

"At a certain part in your life. Probably when too much of it has gone
by. You will open your eyes and see yourself for who you are. Especially
for everything that made you so different from all the awful normals.
And you will say to yourself, "But I am this person." And in that
statement, that correction, there will be a kind of love." ~Miss Dodger Phoebe in Wonderland

Friday, May 21, 2010

remember when she had all the curls?

This is J when she was in Kindergarten, since she cut her hair the curls have not come back, but....we are starting to get some curls back :) here are pics of her with the curls and the non curls, but we got a book on curly hair, and we do believe these curls are starting to make a comeback :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

a couple more layers

Tonight I went to the drug store to pick up My daughter's prescription. I pulled into the parking lot my brain thinking only about this being a step I had not thought of, My daughter is going to be taking a medication for her behavior, How much denial can you be in when your kid is taking medications for her autistic behavior, and Epilepsy? I pulled into the first empty spot, next to an enormous white van that towered over my mini van. I started to get out of my van, and I felt very uncomfortable, like that big van was going to swallow me up! I got back in and felt a bit silly about it, but I backed out of that spot and drove a little further into the middle of the parking lot where my car had no neighbors at all Silly I know but I told myself it would be safer to keep myself in full view....right?

then I went into the store, I usually like going to this store, it's open 24 hours so I like to go late at night and take my time perusing the isles, but this time was different....there right in the isle I was wanting to go down was one of those floor polishing machines, and the man was pushing it right toward me, and it was loud. My first thought was that something was broken on the machine and it was louder than normal, but I looked at the other people and they didn't seem phased. OK this must be how my kids feel, when they get overwhelmed by something that doenst seem to bother anyone else---I felt like he was going to suck me up in that machine, it was all I could do to keep myself from running away from it! WORSE was that he wasn't making sense, that man was pushing it up isle 2 and then he went over to isle 7, and then isle 4....I could not plan to avoid him and his loud machine! I tried to shop I was in the summer isle and checking out the bubbles I'm thinking my kids would love one of these big wands that makes the mega bubbles HERE COMES THE LOUD I walk over to the section that has cups and pick up one of those ceramic coffee cups that looks like a disposable paper cup....Ive been looking at this for awhile, most coffee travel mugs are made of plastic and I just don't like drinking from plastic LOL HERE COMES THE NOISE MACHINE....So I go over to the magazine section flipping through First magazine to see if they published my picture....its sad really that they paid me for a picture but did not use it....why does that make me sad? I don't know I got my 100 bucks for it LOL HERE COMES THE NOISE MACHINE!!!! ARGH!!!!! That is it I am just going to go and get my prescriptions and go home Yikes there is a line and yeah here comes that loud machine again! "why is this not bothering you?" I wanted to ask the woman in front of me. I held my tongue and waited my turn, finally I got my prescriptions and I high tailed it LOL
of course somehow I bought some bubble stuff, a ceramic cup and a magazine, but HAHA maybe my kids do get their issues from me. oh did I also mention I got a bar of chocolate :) mmmmmmmmm

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

J in may

J in may
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
Today I went and got J from school, the teacher had called and wanted to know if she was feeling sick, or had stayed up all night, that she was having behavior issues and now she seemed very tired, she told me she was having trouble keeping her head up and no learning was happening. as I drove I thought about how J acts after a seizure so I asked when I got there "did she act confused at all, did she seem cold and shivering, did she seem clumsy?" No they said but she had thrown a book at one of the kids and yelled at everyone repeatedly to stop talking, maybe she had a headache


I took her home and she slept all day and even slept in the car to pick up her brother at school.

now of course it is bedtime I'm not sure she will sleep.

I am thinking she may have had a seizure and no one noticed

why can't it be easy?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I cut My girl's bangs last night

She has been such a pill lately major meltdowns over things that don't seem to really be happening
The woman from the school, helped me write the list  with pictures of course depicting everything we were going to do, with a check mark for J so she can finish her list, and in the morning not have to stress about things like before....We had had a terrible morning where J had had a meltdown and took off her clothes and shoes and hid them, we ended up being late for school.  funny that I can chuckle about it now :) We had  instructions that we could not stray from the list, so when we picked up the boy from his friend's house we had to be strong about not staying longer :( 

but I forgot to include homework in that list, so when I tried to take it out and get her to do it....

 anyway totally my fault *sigh*
we had to get  back on track :)    dinner-dessert-bath  then she saw an ant that upset her, she seems to be the only one who is still seeing ants  but she got a sponge and started scrubbing the table I told her that she had to stop cleaning the table and I went back to combing her hair then later I was helping Moo with her hair and J went in and dumped the bottle of dish soap onto the kitchen table, I guess to clean away the filthy ant,  I don't know but I sent her to her room, which sounds like a punishment for her but it's not,  it's more designed to give me time to try and figure out if what she did was just because she didn't understand or if she was being bad KWIM?

So anyway I decided that she just didn't understand and called  her down and had her sit while we looked for ants that we could not find, and we talked about why using dish soap is not going to keep ants away and that she was not to use the dish soap any more.

But while we were sitting there I realized that her bangs go past her nose, that I have been putting off cutting her hair because I want to find someone who knows how to cut thick curly hair and make it more curly and less thick and easy to manage LOL  so I asked her if she wanted me to cut the hair away form her eyes and she said "yeah"  So I cut her bangs, which is not easy she squirms a lot LOL

but she can see now....wouldn't it be nice to find out that she was being a pill because her hair was in her eyes and bothering her> HAHA

 I'll post pics later

Monday, April 5, 2010


Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)

Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2 hiding behind red

April 2M and D

April 2M and D
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
April is Autism Awareness month
We all dressed in blue today
It was also Good friday!
there was no place to go to spread awareness :)

the weather was beautiful we played outside
cleaned up the yard a little
Life is good!
Sunshine is good!

we talk about the meaning of Easter
I wonder if I am doing a good enough job leading these little ones to God .
Happy Easter Everyone!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

a new shirt

a new shirt
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
I finally got the boy the shirt he wanted :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

not supposed to feel this way but....

Somedays I'm ok with everything, but sometimes...a child that is J's age catches my eye, or does something that seems extraordinary and I realize that this is ordinary, what we have is not...

Or J's little sister does something that I can never imagine J getting to the point of doing...these things make me feel.....ah I don't know...I try to push these feelings aside because I know I am not supposed to feel this way....but sometimes it's just too hard.

Yesterday was one of those days We went to the Upwards basketball awards.  looking at all the little kids who play basketball and Moo asked when she will be old enough to play basketball...I told her that she has to be six and she pointed out to me that her sister is 7 and doenst play basketball yet.....So then we stood in the crowd and talked to a few people and was asked a couple of times about J playing basketball....she looks pretty typical when she isn't acting I had to explain to people I haven't seen in years that she has Autism and it was hard, because well to me it's obvious it seems kind of awkward saying it.

Ok so now I admitted how weird I am :) I have to tell you something J said this morning that was AWESOME!

When I woke up and opened the door to my bedroom J was standing outside the door, so i asked her what she was doing and she said :

"Today is Sunday.....The sun went across the sky....and now its morning time!" 




Friday, March 26, 2010

more on the Epilepsy front

Isn't Epilepsy a weird word?
We went to Boston Children's Hospital and got to see the Neurologist. He asked a boatload of questions about the episodes J has had. Now I have posted about them, and told all my friends and gotten the opinion of some of them that they are "Complex Partial Seizures" from what I have read I agree, but one of her Doctors all but convinced me that she probably only had some sort of inner ear infection.

Well we were right. according to this Doctor, who should know, that is exactly what they were. he did some examining of her and ordered some tests....yeah I cannot remember the name of the genetics test, I swear I should take a video of the doctors appointments so I could remember all the things he tells me, he uses those big words and I can't remember them LOL but also ordered an MRI and an ambulatory 24 hour EEG.

So we will have some fun in the next few weeks :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Moo Foot Art

Moo Foot Art
Originally uploaded by dennisgg2002
Love it! taken by DH

Monday, March 8, 2010

what a nice day!

March 7th
It's midnight now so the day is over
18 years we've been Married
the weather was so nice today :) it poured out 18 years ago :)
Today we came from church and went out for a pizza the whole family :)
then a nice walk :) the bike path was busy with smiling people
my family had a blast today. :)

really I wanted to share my new header picture with you :) taken today by DH :)

Happy anniversary to us!


Sunday, February 28, 2010

a day of downs and ups

I was really feeling quite down this morning
sort of a sorry for my self down in the dumps/why can't my kids act like those kids/wish I got my trip to Italy kind of feeling! really silly but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel like it from time to time.

I must say that I have some great friends and family who without even knowing it cheered me up and made everything alright :)

so thank you!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lets talk about the dreaded rotary

a circular arrangement constructed at the intersection of two or more roads in order to facilitate the passage of vehicles from one road to another.

OK when you come up on a rotary you must yield to the traffic that is already in the rotary.
If you don't believe me, then just look at that sign right there as you enter, the one that says "YIELD"

Don't just rush in there without looking and hoping that whoever is in there will stop.

while I am at it, I would like to say one message for the ones who are in the rotary, if you see a car entering the rotary, please do not freak out and slam on your brakes putting in danger the lives of yourself and whoever is behind you in the rotary! do not yield to them, it gives them a false sense of superiority. makes them belive that they should plow on ahead, when in fact they should yield to you!

these are the reasons people do not like rotaries this is why they take out rotaries and put in ridiculous intersections that don't make sense!!!

there now I feel better!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Who cares? Who cares? WHO CARES?

Today while I was running errands and taking kids for lab tests and listening to the radio and they are talking about Tiger Woods, he will speak today, his fans are angry, he will speak today, who can't ask questions, in rehab...Ugh I do not care about Tiger Woods!

I thought in my head that I would post a blog about how the media is making me crazy about Tiger, who cares? why do they have to waste so much time talking about it.

but imagine my surprise while I was giving my insurance information to the receptionist at the Children's Hospital Lab when I heard the woman I was talking to say "Oh My God here is Tiger!" I turned aroudn expecting to see some little kid who may be there often and is popular wiht them, but I saw the big TV they had on the wall and understood. Some other woman there behind the desk said "Is he talking I want to see" it took every ounce of will power for me not to make a comment like "I don't know if he is talking, but I was talking!" OK I thought it in my head, but I was a good girl! :) it was amazing, all production stopped! everyone was staring at the tv! maybe the "media" is on to something, at least the people who work in the lab care huh?
OK well finally I got the woman to take my information and went to the waiting room, luckily I sat next to a very nice lady who distracted me by talking about her life and her son who has Aspergers and ADHD! I find it amazing who God puts in your path some days :) ! got my girl's tests done, exchanged emails with the lady and got back in my car to hear all about Tiger again finally I just put in a CD. I do not care about Tiger Woods! All day long I have heard nothing but Tiger this, and Tiger that! Who believes him, who is hurt by him, who was there to hear him speak , who was not...WHO CARES?

let the guy go on with his life, and let the rest of us who have lives move forward! LOL

Really I would much rather hear about ice dancing.

Ok stepping off my soap box.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

D and M

D and M
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
a better picture, but not as good....if you know what I mean!

D and M 2

D and M 2
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
he was playing the keyboard for his little sister :)

Monday, February 15, 2010


Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
a teeny tiny Moo :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010


it is a part of our lives that I don't think about much, I've been known to say "yeah she has epilepsy, but we don't see any seizures." as if that made the seizures any less bad, like the surge of electrical activity in her brain is less damaging, because we don't see when it happens. today I witnessed it, today I had to shed another layer of that thick coat of denial I wear so proudly.

what does it all mean? I don't know I'm still new at this stuff :)
we spend a good amount of time at the doctors, and at the lab getting blood tests and now we are still waiting for the doctors to call us back, and life goes on, we are off to basketball practice for the boy. imagine life without the joy of cell phones and blackberries :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dental health

after much neglect to their dental health I have gotten all my kids to the dentist
the dentist was nice and did not give me a hard time about having waited too long between visits :)

let me start out by saying that I should probably start a savings account now and start tucking away money to pay for my kids different dental issues :)

The boy has no cavities but some gingivitis he needs to come in in March to get sealant his overbite is going to need some help if you know what I mean :)

The middle child has what the Dentist calls "a deep bite" she grinds her teeth which will cause problems but there is really nothing we can do to stop her :( no cavities though...take the good where you can find it :)

The youngest child has some damage due to years of being on antibiotics for her kidney reflux. No cavities but the start of a cavity the Dentist told me that she is going to need braces, which is funny because she is the only one that doenst look like she will need them LOL but the report is that her teeth are too close together which looks nice now but when she gets her grown up teeth it will be an issue.

While we were there there was an emergency and in came a girl of the same age as my middle child with similar medical and developmental issues, she had an infected tooth and was in a lot of pain, it broke my heart to watch this little one, who didn't understand why her mouth hurt and was fluctuating between crying and angry outbursts, the mother kept apologizing to me and trying to explain herself So I told her that I understand, told her about J's issues and I even gave her my phone number and email :)
ok if you know me you know this is a big deal :)

onward to talking about the facebook addiction....seems that the rumor of admitting you have a problem being the first step is wrong HAHA

Oh yes I did have a long talk with my kids when they asked me why that little girl was crying....lets just say there will not be any forgetting to brish teeth KWIM

Mapboy 2

Mapboy 2
Originally uploaded by dennisgg2002
taken by Dennis

Moo Posing with a Great Smile

taken by Dennis