Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

well here I am a new woman

I have my new glasses
I will not give up on them, but my first reaction after two hours is that I HATE them LOL

but I will give it some time
I am an old dog who has trouble learning new tricks

OK reading from the bottom of the lens
computer from the middle of the lens
far away from the top

can I write the cheat sheet on the back of the new glasses?

kidding :)

I have not dared to use my camera

as a matter of fact I have that queasy feeling you get with new glasses sometimes
only more because I keep looking out at things the wrong way :)

here is a pic form the zoo last week
Messy loves the seals and they seem to love her :)

too bad I messed up most of the pictures
the seal whisperer

Thursday, August 7, 2008

rainy days

Please scroll down and take my survey about puddles!!!!

rainy days
changed our plans
staying home
candy land
video games
and spider man
summer is fun
but butterflies
wont play in the rain

The boy is counting his money
to buy a new video game
The girls are watching
Harold and dreaming of
Purple crayons
Me I get a get a few minutes
to look over some old shots

I really need to switch to autofocus
my eyes have gone to pot LOL


the rain zaps my energy
I wish I could take a nap


You know I was curious after getting some not so nice comments at the zoo when my kiddos were jumping the puddles.

Do you let your kids jump in puddles?

or do you think it's disgusting?
I have always let my kids jump in puddles

but now the therapist lady from Messy's school wants to work on getting her to stay away from puddles..I can see where she doenst understand the difference of my letting her play in a puddle and her running to a puddle on the play ground

but it will be hard to say NO!

The lady form the school says it's unsanitary and disgusting

when I was a kid you jsut jumped in puddles
everyone did it and you all got muddy and your mom gave you a bath
the world is different now

Please scroll down and take my survey about puddles!!!!

Sober Meditation

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

hehe I think Rosie O'Donnell would think this funny

My husband got a letter from Congress in response to having contacting them about some thing, the letter was on the official "Congress Of the United States" letterhead
a very important looking letter.

It's cool and he showed it to the boy and stressed to him how important it is to share your opinion with the representatives in office. You could see him saving this important looking letter right?

But now

I notice that the paper was in with some "about to be thrown away" papers that Messy has drawn her flowers and clouds and sunshine on "oops don't want to accidentally throw this one away" I scooped it out and went to drop it into the file box we use for such papers that I know Dh wants to save but I don't know where he wants to keep it LOL

on the other side

Messy has drawn all over it :)

although not as important as an Emmy I just thought it was funny

the story about her kids painting all over her Emmys is one of my FAVORITE stories :)

I'm not so sure Dh will be happy about her writing on it, but he does make certain exceptions for Messy so he may smile when I tell him :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Want you to know I'll be away for a bit

If I can get the mobile blogging thingy to work I will but so far it has not worked for me

we are doing some cool things with the kids this week

and actually it's going to be busy until September isn't it?

I absolutely love my garden now

and the butterfly visitors

humingbirds are not finding me, but my neighbor went away for 40 days so I might just get some of her birds

the kids are doing great

Messys' meds don't seem to be doing a thing, which is good, I mean the first two days she seemed a bit grumpy but *shrug* so far no rash


on we go!

all about Harold

I could fill up pages and pages of chatter about our trip but most of it is really not blogable if you KWIM
so we will talk about Harold
getting ready DH was trying to get the car packed and I was trying to get the kids out the door

I sent the boy out to the car with his video games and camera

Messy was clutching her favorite book as I sent her out to her daddy, She was very excited to be staying in a hotel it's her favorite thing.

then I had to find Moo's shoes..she is famous for losing her shoes...searching and searching and found them behind the couch, So I got her shoes on and was happy to see DH had the other two all ready strapped in and ready to goso I strapped in Moo in and off we went.

fast forward to bedtime

can't find the book, I was not really sure I did give the book to Messy and chalked it up to my poor memory.


guess what we found under the cherry tree?

harold 1
harold and the slug
yes that is a slug crawling on it

a close up of the slug

I am hoping the damage is minimal

the sky

what are we going to do without Harold?

drew up the covers

Messy's favorite page
she draws this often

so now I am off to amazon looking for a replacement

wish us luck :)