Wednesday, October 8, 2008

did ya ever notice?

when you put the recycling out the night before like you are supposed to

they never show up until 2 pm to pick it up


the one time you get lazy and wait until morning to put it out


they got here early


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

busy day

today was hectic
my schedule didn't work today, a combo of a few minutes late leaving and traffic caused issues, we didn't get back to Messy's bus, so we had to take her to school, which she actually handled WAy better than she has in the past she usually doesn't like anything to be different from her normal routine.

then it was picture day for the boy and I forgot the paperwork, so I had to bring it to him
I didn't want to drive there and back, and then turn around and go pick him up, so I tried to grocery shop near his school before I picked him up....what a mistake LOL I like my store, maybe I am a bit like my daughter

ok does anyone else think it's odd that a nine year old (Mapboy) wants me to tivo the debate so he can watch it???

when I was that age I hated anything to do with any of that
if they interrupted my tv shows then I would be upset but other than that the government ran without me noticing.

ok was that a poor job done by the school I went to? or a great one done by the school he goes to...or the opposite? is it healthy for a nine year old to understand what "lipstick on a pig" means?

I know they were learning about it in school, they were talking about planning a field trip to the campains' headquarters, but it fell through.

seriously the kid didn't ask me to tape the redsox in the play offs, he asked me to tape the presidential debate

on another note MB is going on a field trip tomorrow
freedom trail, I wish I could go! it is cool living here sometimes :)

Oh darn I forgot some things at the store

Monday, October 6, 2008

is there a twelve step program for furniture?

So one of the things I remember when I was a kid was a bed, it looked like a castle it was a loft bed with a play area underneath, my father had plans to build it for me, we would sit and talk about how cool this bed would be we drew pictures of it and I really thought he was going to make it...but the bed never got made :(

OK so that may explain why I am really too emotionally attached to this bunk bed, we bought it, and painted it to look like a castle....ok it doenst *look* like a castle to you and me, it is no way even close to the one my dad dreamed about, but to a five year old and a two year old, it looks like a castle! LOL

So Now the epilepsy Dr says NO to bunk beds
Ok I'll be honest I didn't think of it as an issue, but what can I say?
We can't put the 5 year old on the bottom, because the 2 year old really is just too small for bunk beds KWIM?

so silly me thinks, OK we will sell the bunk bed and use the money to buy a trundle

Dh didnt think anyone would buy a painted bunk bed (why is he always right?)

OK so apparently a bunkbed loses value when it is painted by a mom and her kids to look like a castle ROFL

here am I thinking I have this thing of value and I can't even give the thing away.

so the new plan is to take the thing apart and put it away until the littlest one is old enough to climb up to the top, of course you do know that by that time it wont look like a castle to them anymore. ROFL

Sunday, October 5, 2008

a whole month

I am keeping my blog pink for the whole month of October!
well I am going to TRY and keep it pink

As you may know I like to change my blog around a lot LOL