Thursday, July 3, 2008

we went to the drive in last night

It was wonderful and awful all in the same time :)

we saw Wall-E
I recommend it but I will say it had a few scary moments where the kids were a bit frightened
Moo was transfixed on the screen the whole time
Messy liked the first half of the movie and then she started losing interest and screaming her happy scream and jumping and generally trying to be a pain in the butt which kind of took away form it a little bit...such is life with Autism. To Dennis' Credit he is really trying to change, he kept her on his lap and and caressed her and sang to her and got her calmed down, it was nice to not have to be the one who always fixes everything for a change.

then we saw Get Smart
usually the kids are out for the second movie but the boy was awake, and I let him watch, there was a few times where I cringed, but the kid is nine years old, I can't shelter him forever...I tried that LOL
it was brilliant, and a let down all in one
it was good but it seems to me it was a bit short on the mark, I wonder how it is doing, I loved the tv show, and when I heard Steve Carell was going to play Maxwell Smart I was really looking forward to it. I have never seen his stuff in the show he does, but I remember him from the Daily show. I liked the movie but I think I was so looking forward to it that I got let down.

and the boy and his dad went down to the river and hung together before the movie.
I was torn because the new me didn't want to sit for that time with the girls while he went and had fun, but I also thought it was a good dad and son moment *shrug* plus the sox were playing on the radio so I gave in. I just can't stand it when he thinks leaving me in the car with the girls is a good idea because taking them with him is hard....I usually take them with me and deal *sigh* I'm getting better, but I am not there yet.

the junk food was good
so much for the diet Ha HA

seriously I can't go on like this anymore
I need to get healthy

looked for a picture of my mother and I can't find any

wonder if my sister has one

I'll ask

Tomorrow is independence day in the US

the old me would have done something stupid like go on a hike or to a park
the new me, the one who is speaking up for herself

the new me told him that I wanted to either go to the family get together with my family OR Go to the parade and festivities our town does every year, I told him that we were not going to do anything other than one of those two things
the advantage of both - the family thing is at someones house, there will be a pool and lots of food~~~~ the town thing will be a good social thing we can do for the kids they might see some of their friends there since its the thing everyone in town does The negative stuff my family he doenst like, and Messy wont pee in a port-a-pot

he chose the town - even though he hates parades, he hates my family more LOL
wish us luck with the port-a-pot

So it is a true independence day for me, since I got say in what we do :)

I know you guys think it's weird but it's a big step for me, I am not going to be a mouse forever, but it is taking me time to remember that I can KWIM?

I don't want to Survive! I WANT TO LIVE!!! (that is a line from Wall-E)

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