Tuesday, July 1, 2008

rude awakening

Well I had trouble sleeping last night (I know that is not news)
finally got to sleep around 4ish
around six the alarm went off
not the alarm clock
the shrill alarm that screams through the house alerting us if there is an intruder or a fire
we must set this alarm all the time since Messy has learned how to open doors and unlock doors
Messy doesn't sleep (wonder where she gets that from) and has been known to go outside at odd times

you would think I would be used to the sound of it now

um no
the answer would be no!

Yes Messy opened the door downstairs and went outside

MOMMY thought there was a fire and was looking for Messy upstairs
I grabbed the little one and was searching for Messy when I finally decided I would get moo out and come back for messy..I was a bit irritated at DH for not helping save our kids lives

I yelled to DH "where is she?"
he said "Huh she is downstairs" because he of course was not fuzzy brained as I was LOL

thankfully everything is alright!

in the end I am still irritated a bit with DH
we should not become complacent
it could have been a fire
it could have been a burglar
it could have been our autistic daughter running off as she has been known to do on rare occasions

instead it was what it usually was her out picking flowers in the yard

thank GOD!


Anonymous said...

Have you thought about putting a lock or latch up high out of her reach on the exterior doors? Something you can open quickly in an emergency but that she can't reach?

M-A said...

ah yes we have tried the girl climbs well

we are thinking of getting a combination lock she wont be able to sneak a key that was


Unknown said...

Oh my! I had trouble sleeping last night too - fear of July perhaps??

This sounds terrible in my head, but I'm gonna say it anyway. What about a latch on her bedroom door, but on the "outside"?