Saturday, July 19, 2008

putting together a desk

I used to put stuff together
I used to be quite handy
when I was a shipping/receiver at a store part of my job was putting together displays
I used to compete with other shipping/receivers at other branches via speaker phone to see who put it together first

somewhere along the way when I had kids and stopped working
I lost my ability to put things together
it got easier to ask DH to do it I guess

even the boy can put together stuff quite easily

when did I get so dependent on others?

anyway the good news is that last night I put together a desk, I've been waiting for Dh to put it together for me, but I decided last night I was not waiting for anyone
I want my desk put up so I can move my computer and have the ability to go online without having to go upstairs and block myself from the family. I'm tired of having to negotiate computer time.

it wasn't so hard

I think I won a little piece of my independence back

maybe I will put together that composter myself?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm handy! I don't ask brice because, well, he gives up too fast then gets really frustrated.

I finally moved my desk into the living room so I could be on and off and still be with my kids!