Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Da Antsis is on da fwoowah!!!!

I had asked her if what color she was going to color in her rock (wock) that she had drawn

"Da Antsis is on da fwoowah!!!!"

any other person I would be thinking she was going to color the rock the same color as the floor

Not my moo
she is two she talks really good sometimes

and sometimes I can't figure out a word she is saying

this time since I live in this house and know we have an ant problem LOL
I know she was getting distracted by more than one ant walking on the floor :)

isn't she cute?

she colored the rock purple in case you were really interested LOL

Messy is LOVE LOVE LOVing the new school
I am actually SHOCKED she is doing so well
her teachers are shocked she is doing so well
and her home/school specialist is not shocked

she knows Messy is familiar with the building because we would go in there to pick up her brother
she knows that Messy is not seeing anyone from her old school so she is not having issues with the whole "I know you from there you should be there" bit

anyway I'm still not liking the bus

but she loves it and that is all that matters right?

the boy today came out of his cave and saw me cleaning the floor and said "mom can I do that it looks like fun"
and he is cleaning the floor and the walls..yes he is scrubbing the walls

really odd behavior for him but I ain't complaining :)

hope you all are doing well

I am trying to get used to getting up at the crack of dawn LOL


Anonymous said...

LOL My son is 4 nearly five but is speech delayed so I hear stuff like that sometimes!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy for Messy!! That's so AWESOME!!