Thursday, July 17, 2008

what is the secret?

How is it that everyone is organized, and I am not?

I'm trying and trying
I am even keeping a to do list every day, but it just keeps getting longer and longer and it's overwhelming

some days I really miss my December 98 mommy friends
today my heart aches for them. for some reason I can't stop thinking of them and I wish I could just go back and be there again.

so the happy stuff?

a sunflower waiting to open

LOVE it!

I know the moment I look out the window and see it open I will gasp, even though I know it is going to open, and I am pretty sure I know what it will look like I am still all tingly with anticipation!!!!

OPEN up please!

the time to show yourself is NOW :)

I LOVe my new hobby of gardening!
in the past I always gave up because the woodchucks, but now I feel that even if the woodchucks eat everything I can just go and buy new stuff..I found a local place where it cost next to nothing for plants.

even with the Japanese beetles and the slugs it kind of stinks for my poor purple cone flowers, but.... it's ok circle of life right?

OH did I tell you all that the loostrife is not blooming this year

not sure why looks like something is eating it

it is very strange to look out on the marsh and not see the sea of purple flowers that look so beautiful but you know it's bad because there is no place for the red wing black birds to nest. I do see a few purple spots here and there, but mostly it's rust colored dead plants

I should take a picture huh?

off to play with chalk


katherine said...

Yes! Picture please!

Susie J. said...

((((((((squeezy hugs)))))))) Just so ya know... I'm not organized either. I wish I was.