Friday, July 25, 2008

Ok now i want to tell you about last night

Dh came home fixed my internet connection
and we watched a bit of tv
then he went up to go on his computer and I watched tv for a bit

I fell asleep on the couch
around 11:30 I got this awful start, I heard a voice telling me to check on the kids
I ran upstairs and stumbled into the girls room, Half asleep, I tripped over the little plastic doll houses that seem to be multiplying in there, I can see Moo sleeping there with he jamas pulled off like always, no blankie in the cold AC how different my two girls are in many ways one likes no blankets, and AC the other is always cuddled in a comforter even when it's hot

and I look over at Messy and I saw a big old lump of her huge comforter something wasn't right
she always wraps herself up like that and truly nothing looked out of the ordinary,My still half asleep brain was telling me she was fine and I could hear her snoring under there, but that voice was screaming at me "check her!"

I went over and pulled the comforter off...I didn't see her at first, but I heard her snoring

OMGosh she had ripped a hole in the plastic cover that you put on a mattress to protect it if the kid wets the bed, and she CLIMBED INSIDE! she was completely covered in plastic!!!!!!!
I ripped the rest of it away and pulled her out she was fine, soaked with sweat and fell right back to sleep saying "i want my blanket"

ahh you all are going to think I am crazy when I tell you who the voice sounded like

yeah Rosie O'Donnell

Dh thinks I'm crazy


Saving The Day said...

OMGosh, M-A! Talk about intuition! Too funny about the voice sounding like Rosie ... but it could of sounded like Carol Channing and I'd still be glad you listened to it!!

Susie J. said...

HOLY COW!! ((((huge hugs))))
Now, the Rosie voice is kind of odd... but I totally believe that what you heard was God prompting you to go in there and check on her. (and, no, I don't think Rosie O'Donnel is God)

Anonymous said...

OMGosh, that is SOO SCARY!!! I can not believe she did that...and honestly, I would hav NEVER thought a child would do that! I've used those covers also!! YIKES!!

Glad you listed to your instinct!!