Saturday, April 23, 2011

Twenty three ---- vacations

Today I am writing my blog entry while on our way home from our little
Mini vacation I won't be able to send it until I get home but I am writing it now!
It's been a great week and I am very thankful for re time we have spent together but I sure am looking forward to get back on the same
Old schedule Also can't wait to get back to the gym again, I hurt my knee one day just landed on it wrong so it's probably a good thing I haven't been making it to the gym this week huh?

I had made some goals for the family of things to achieve for this week and I have to say that we didn't reach one of them but I think we all had fun so that is good!
Tomorrow is Easter we are looking forward to spending the day with good friends!

Today I am thankful for school vacations! For this opportunity to bond as a family to just have fun! It was nice! Even If we didn't finish our set goals!

Here is a picture of my youngest and my oldest just being kids :-)

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