Monday, September 29, 2008

I could complain but.... I am so darn lucky!

So moo's medicine has run out, but her drs appointment isn't until October 21 so you can blame me for that I wasn't paying attention but they wont refill her prescription it's expired

Messy's medication has been increased
no one told the insurance company...the insurance company wont refill it
Dh called the epilepsy clinic because the regular drs office is closed
the on call dr sent in a refill for 12 pills and we are to call our dr Monday
we figured that was set
umm no one still told the insurance company so yeah they wouldn't fill the prescription

Mapboy is on a new medication

Dh had his dr transfer all his meds to 90 supply to utilize the new money saver thingy at the drugstore

So DH's medication with the new cheaper program 70 bucks (it's really a lot cheaper)
MB's old medicine 35 bucks (no you can't return it) new medicine 35 bucks
Messy's 12 pills to tide up over until this morning was 46 bucks ( no it's not refundable )
Moos medicine well that is zero since I haven't gotten a call back from the dr yet

so in the last week the drugstore has gotten 186 bucks from us
and tonight it will be 70 more for the two girls

you know it's really scary to think of all the meds my family takes
but it's funny, like what can go wrong will go wrong kind of thing

"umm yeah sorry I couldn't make my mortgage payment because I had to buy drugs" ROFL

Gosh you knwo it isn't really funny at all

we are so freaking lucky to have insurance to help us pay for all this

sheesh I can't even imagine having to pay for all this in full?


Carla said...

LOL Samuel's meds alone are more than all of you in the past few weeks (that's per month for him). *sigh* We have to pay 100% up front, but they pay 80% back to us after we meet his deductible...which we do every January. We budget around $300 a month for medicine. His inhalers for asthma are $160 each, for a 30 day period. I was upset that Zyrtec went OTC as what we ended up paying out of pocket increased there as well.

{hug} It stinks. I know it does...and yeah, if it can go wrong sometimes it feels like it will. But you know, I keep telling myself that we really are blessed.

Corrine said...

Between T and Nate their meds cost over $2000.00 per month!! It stinks.
I am glad she is on lamictal- it has been a good drug for Nathan.