Saturday, September 27, 2008

late night blogging

can't sleep got into a heated discussion with Dh...that's never good
I would make a terrible debater, I just lose control of my brain and say things wrong

I wish I wasn't like that

speaking of debates...RE: Presidential Debate, I found it interesting that all the people believe that their guy won the debate

I'm not going to share my opinion of it LOL
frankly I'm not a big fan of politics.
but I do find a lot of humor in it all....even stuff that should NOT be funny...I know I'm pathetic.

I don't understand why I have allergy symptoms today it's supposed to be very low right now
but it's bad

the sox got killed tonight, I didn't watch it because I had to record the debate for DH, but i watched part of it on gameday and then I had to stop KWIM it's never good when they lose to the Yankees but they got pounded :(

rain is good

my composter has rodents in it :( what's up with that?

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