Tuesday, September 30, 2008

a cute moo story

she has those magnetic letters from leapfrog that stick on the fridge, or they go into the little thingy and sings the song "A says ahh, A says ahh, every letter makes a sound, A says ahh" and so on LOL between that and the leapfrog movies she has the letter sounds down pat :)

well those magnets are not approved for the car, wouldn't be safe in an accident, but she must have smuggled it into the car

she does have animal, they are mostly beanie babies but she has a few others.
now she sits behind me in the car so I don't usually look at her directly usually through the mirror but she will say "mommy I got a bear" and I will growl at her and she will grown bacl,a bd then she will grab a cat and say "mommy I got a cat" and we will meow You know LOL

Well she said "mommy I got a bee" so in my head I pictured her with her little bee puppet and I said "buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzzzzzz" she didnt say a word so I looked in the mirror at her shocked face she held up her little magnet and siad "mommy it says Ba"



karen said...

Too funny!!!! Just tell her that the eyes in the back of your head were closed so you couldn't see the letter.

Unknown said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!! I love it! That is a TOTAL hoot!!!!!!!