Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Did you ever have some one on your mind

I've been thinking about a friend of mine from WAY back

before kids
as in...the last time we talked on the phone my oldest was a baby!
for some reason I can't get her out of my head

So I wrote her a letter, and I actually put it in the mail!

I hope she lives in the same place, we used to be neighbors Way back before Dh and I moved back to Massachusetts.

it's been a long time, gosh her kids must be all grown up now

she was a good friend and she has never met my children.
it's kind of sad to think of friends that I have drifted away from


but writing the letter was cool!

oh boy today is a busy day

today starts up the home visits
hard to squeeze these things in between the picking kids up and school and all that LOL


Saving The Day said...

It is great to reconnect with people we've cared about in the past. I hope you get a reply to your letter!

Anonymous said...

hey honey, its Phyllis but of course you would know that if you checked your emails. so check your emails and get in touch with me, ok? i loved getting your letter, of course i havent forgotten you or all the good times and fun we had. so check those emails and please lets keep in touch. kiss the kids for me and tell Dennis i said hey. love ya, Phyllis