Sunday, September 14, 2008

so since DH was not at home

I could not leave the kids with him while I helped out in the nursery
our church has the kids in the service for the first 15-20 minutes and then they go out to the Sunday school class

OK so they said I could bring them with me and just take them to Sunday school at the designated time

boy: "mom I'm in the fifth grade now you know...I am pretty sure I can sit in the sanctuary for church until I can go to class"

yikes I said "um I am not going to leave you alone in church"

MB said "mom at school you don't even have to sign me out remember? I can sit in church!"

SO I asked a few people to keep an eye on him and let him go


the good news is that the people who I asked to watch him said he was awesome, even helping the people around him get the right page in the hymnal.

this growing up stuff is H-A-R-D!!!!!!

1 comment:

karen said...

WTG Devin.

WTG MA! Letting kids do things on their own can be the hardest thing.
