Thursday, August 28, 2008

WOW WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!

I know this is silly, but I am SO SO excited

we found a sandwich that messy will eat!!!!!
and there is not a drop of peanut butter on it!!!!!

it's bologna, american cheese food (I refuse to call it chese) and ketchup

her new school is not peanut free, but I know that at least one of her classmates has a severe peanut allergy, and since she wears EVERYTHING she eats I think it might be best not to send her with PBJs. but I was thinking I would have to do thermos' full of mac and cheese every day whew

this makes lunch for schools SO much easier
now if we can find a way to get some veggies onto that lunch box I will be in heaven LOL

1 comment:

karen said...


how about fruit instead of veggies???