Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Trying to stay out of sight

This summer has not turned out as planned....haha what ever does right?
I had visions of getting projects done around the house, spending time with friends/family, going to zoos and museums and I really wanted to introduce Moo to an art museum SHE will love it! But things happen, sometimes communications get mixed up, or kids get sick, plans get changed
ESY makes it hard, they call it special needs summer school in my town but I will stick with the term "extended school year" thank you :) its every day until 12:00 J gets home about 12:30 so no plans can start until after that.
plus there is the dreaded summer packet for The boy's school, we had originally planned on adding work to it, but I forgot he has ADHD and Asperger's even if it's not too difficult it will be hard for him to stay focused and get things done :-( even working on it every day I'm not sure he will even finish it :(

It hasn't all been bad, we've has some fun time I just seem a little removed from it all.
Now the focus is on back to school shopping. blah I'd rather shop for summer things :-)

what really have I been doing?
I think it's time to admit that maybe I need a little help....

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