Thursday, August 5, 2010

A New Box of Crayons

In our family there is not much that is more exciting than getting a new box of Crayons!

first we need to admire the box with it's shiny wrapper and promises of beautiful colors.
once you open the package you get the experience the smells

                                     and the colors Oh boy the colors

and then, well I don't know about your family but in my family, some lining up has to occur
 it has to be Crayola too no other crayons smell like, or have as deep and rich colors

 maybe we should do a commercial
the kids are coloring :)


Unknown said...

There are no other colors than Crayola's. Rose Art Crayon's don't deserve to be called "colors"... makes my skin crawl just to THINK about "coloring" with anything other than Crayola!!

M-A said...

Yeah Jessica will use other crayons but a lot of times she will bring it to me and say "this is wrong" LOL