Sunday, November 16, 2008

a quick note to my mom

this morning I have a deeper understanding of my mom and her life

I've quoted her about 7 times and I haven't felt like that was bad once LOL
I bet she is smiling down on me


you were right, I do understand things better Now that I have kids of my own, and
heck anything they have done is nothing compared to some of the crap I did, remember when I jumped rope on your station wagon? Heck when I was MB's age I was sneaking cigarettes in the back yard!! Please I can take a clogged toilet anytime!

So I'm sorry for the bad things I've said about your parenting, and thanks for all the love


now that that is out of the way

we are all staying home from church because of colds and sneezing and sniffles, but we need to go to the store because we need bread and milk

boy still has a boatload of homework

mommy is going to jump in the shower

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