Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I saw a new bird today

It's been so long since I've seen anything new

this is a bird of prey

have not identified it yet
and thinking a juvie peregrine, but I can't imagine a peregrine living around here no cliffs, no tall buildings *shrug*
so I am searching for what it might be

I actually picked up my camera and took a picture of it before it flew away :) but it had the wide angle lens so it's hard to see
going to pick up the boy he is so much better at Id-ing the birds than I am so I'm bringing the bad image I took, and the bird ID books :)

it really is exciting when you see a new bird, I think I have become bored with birdwatching lately because I haven't seen anything new.


I know I am sure no one else is as excited about seeing a new bird as I am LOL


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