Tuesday, September 2, 2008

well I met the teachers and aids today

the most amazing thing? Messy saw her old teacher there who just happened to be there with her son who is in Kindergarten and Messy of course freaked out because she knows her and sees her in an out of order place....but then she saw her old Aid from preschool, the woman was also there with her daughter and she quietly came up to me and said hi knowing Messy might freak out, but messy turned around and saw her, buried her head in my shoulder for a minute and then popped her head out and smiled at her she stayed there for a bit while I talked and got a little shy when the aide talked to her again, and then she just got comfortable with the idea and was smiling at her and even talked to her a little

this has never happened before

heck if *I* go to her school she freaks out because I am not a school person so this is MAJOR

she loved her classroom

loved the Other room, I'm not sure what they call it, but it's a small classroom for kids with autism apparently there are 4 kids in that class.

I'm worried that she will not do well in the regular classroom but I know she will love the other class

tomorrow I go for a meeting with her team

Gosh good thing Dh took the day off because he was supposed to be away and no way I woudl be able to get a sitter on such short notice

I *THINK* that the insurance company will be covering regular speech therapy since the dr thinks the speech problems are caused by epilepsy not autism...
really they should change it so autism is covered how many kids go without therapy because they can't get it covered?

it's just silly

a lot of people get rich in the world of autism and it isn't the schools, and it isn't the parents

The boy starts school tomorrow

he is nervous

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like it was a good first day! Hopefully tomorrow will go well too. It's funny to think my girls have almost been in school for... 3 weeks now!