Thursday, September 25, 2008

ok here is the scoop

I've been kind of fighting the school nurse because she has messy listed as restricted activity, which means she can't swing, she can't climb, no slides...what else is there?

sand box

ok my usual very active jumping all over the place kiddo is sitting still for HOURS all day long and they wont let her get exercise she is happy to sit in the sandbox for recess, but is it what is best for her?

so I was trying to not only get them to let her climb, but to get them to encourage her to be more active


finally I got them to relent if I got a note from the doctors saying she didn't require restricted activity

so I am sure now you can figure out why I am upset...the doctor agreed with the school nurse

even though she has never had a seizure where anyone saw any outward reaction AT ALL!!!
in the hospital study they determined that her spacey times had nothing to do with seizures and everything to do with daydreaming.

but she does have seizures

So she is on restricted activity on the playground

not only do I feel like a rotten mom

but now I have proof *cry*

how am I going to get her to get exercise?

come on, I don't care what they say, it cannot be good for her to not get any exercise except for jumping on the couch when no one is looking.

and you know what? they are wanting her to not climb anything higher than herself....what does that mean in regards to her bunk bed

sheesh :(

I just didn't think it was dangerous :(


Unknown said...

You know what? I would march into that dr. office and say "Okay... tell me ways to get this child some exercize."

Carla said...

I agree with Beth. Demand an answer on HOW to get her exercise. Why can't she run and play? I can see the safety/liability issues if she's climbing and has a seizure...fine, let's give her something else to do that is active for exercise.

M-A said...

well that is kind of the problem
at recess they have two climbing structures, and bank of swings and a big old nasty sand box

the drs letter says:
No climbing higher than the child's own height
No unsupervised swimming, tub baths, or hot tub use.
Avoid being alone in a room with doors that lock.
We recommend use of appropriate protective gear with sports.

she can't climb or go down the slide, and there just is no place to run, so they plop her in the sandbox, and she wont complain because sandboxes are the things she likes best...yuck! easier for them to just let her play in the sand :(

I'm probably overreacting I just feel so anxious about it

well I will definitely call the dr for some ideas, but the school is not going to budge I just know it, I might the able to get the home/school coordinator to figure something out, she is pure genius on working with these people