Thursday, August 21, 2008

what would you do?

I want something
PEC software

well it will make my life easier
it will help my daughter in her communication

it's something I've been planning on buying but there is always some budget emergency
and now we have a big money drain and I am just plain at wits end.

can I wait until next year to buy this program?

the woman at the school has told me about a place I can go borrow a copy of it, bring it home and copy it and bring it back...the place is a public library but not the library in my town, but the library in my district so I can go and take stuff from the library but still...

that is so wrong

but everyone else does it?

but it's wrong
i think I am allowed to bring it home and use it for myself, but NOT copy it

I can't imagine a library allowing this

I've never been tempted to do something like this before.

Dh says to just go and do it


I know people do this stuff all the time, but I don't


Anonymous said...

I know you can always rationalize anything but...You say you could use the program but I sense you really want it to help your daughter. How many times have you heard someone say I would die for my kids? Compromise your principals and don't look back. She is worth it.

karen said...

How about this approach

1. go to the library and get it
2. make a coy
3. get an empty coffee can
4. everytime you have some loose change , plop it in the can
5. eventually you will have enough to buy your own copy (and it will probably be a newer version)
