Wednesday, August 20, 2008

comedy and tragedy

Last night after the kids went to bed, I was trying to avoid housework I turned on the tv and there was a comedy program on

I posted a whole blog about why I don't think most comedy is funny

read it all back and thoguht
...gee I am getting old, I sound like my grandpa...(since I never had a grandpa, I use the term symbolically)

"young people these days...they don't know real comedy"

"back in the day..they knew how to make you laugh" (seriously remember when all they had to do was smash a watermelon and you thought it was funny?)

I don't want to be a grumpy old lady who hates everything LOL

So I deleted the entry and I turned off the tv and went and got out one of my favorite all time movies that makes me laugh every time "My cousin Vinny" me and my friends used to break out the VCR and have a "My Cousin Vinny" party, for girls night out. So I fired up the home theater and watched it.

hmm ok so I proved a point maybe it's not comedy
maybe I am getting too old to laugh?


anyone know any good jokes?


on a side note I try not to be too offended by things, but really I think sexual abuse of a child is NOT funny and I think I would still think it not funny if I were not a survivor

1 comment:

karen said...

I guess that I am getting old too!!!