Tuesday, October 7, 2008

busy day

today was hectic
my schedule didn't work today, a combo of a few minutes late leaving and traffic caused issues, we didn't get back to Messy's bus, so we had to take her to school, which she actually handled WAy better than she has in the past she usually doesn't like anything to be different from her normal routine.

then it was picture day for the boy and I forgot the paperwork, so I had to bring it to him
I didn't want to drive there and back, and then turn around and go pick him up, so I tried to grocery shop near his school before I picked him up....what a mistake LOL I like my store, maybe I am a bit like my daughter

ok does anyone else think it's odd that a nine year old (Mapboy) wants me to tivo the debate so he can watch it???

when I was that age I hated anything to do with any of that
if they interrupted my tv shows then I would be upset but other than that the government ran without me noticing.

ok was that a poor job done by the school I went to? or a great one done by the school he goes to...or the opposite? is it healthy for a nine year old to understand what "lipstick on a pig" means?

I know they were learning about it in school, they were talking about planning a field trip to the campains' headquarters, but it fell through.

seriously the kid didn't ask me to tape the redsox in the play offs, he asked me to tape the presidential debate

on another note MB is going on a field trip tomorrow
freedom trail, I wish I could go! it is cool living here sometimes :)

Oh darn I forgot some things at the store

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