Tuesday, August 12, 2008

it's official I am the worst mother ever

when we were at the zoo, I noticed my boy jumping around in the water of the sprinklers

Gosh he looks pretty thin

So when we got home I made him stand on the scale.
It was Shocking! I truly gasped out loud when I saw how much he weighs

apparently he has not been eating food, and hiding it! I did notice that he has not been asking for seconds
I did notice he was thin, but how thin?

So I took him off his ADHD medication and I put in an email to his Developmental Pediatrician, it is so hard to get in to see her really

Now today I am looking over pictures of the summer and Man I didn't notice how thin he was way back


What the heck is wrong with me?


Mapboy Bubbles by dennisgg2002.


Anonymous said...

What does he weigh? There's a large range of normal (I can't see pictures on this connection).

M-A said...

He went form 68.7
to 63.1

Carla said...

Yeah, going backwards isn't good. Have you looked up on the growth charts where that puts him percentile wise? Is he growing taller? We're going through "official" diagnosis of failure to thrive for one of mine, and headed that way for a 2nd.

He doesn't look too thin to me, but not eating or hiding that he's not eating isn't good either. Is the medication causing that?

I can tell you what we are doing for our FTT child right now, but it's basically what you suspect. They eat food first, in front of us. No drinks until done. Drinks are HIGH calorie HIGH fat content. LOTS of proteins. I'm trying to pack on the pounds without junk foods, but if they want a treat I do not withhold it.

Corrine said...

Please don't just pull him off his meds- that can be dangerous.
Taylor had failure to thrive and as soon as puberty hit we now actually have to watch what she eats.
Hopefully the Dr gets back to you soon.