Friday, April 1, 2011

the beginning-ONE

Today i am trying to start something new, I need to be more appreciative for all that I have, more positive, less negative, i also need to take more pics, it really is a favorite thing to do, but some days it's just hard.

Well now here I am On April 1st,  the fools day,  the day that starts the autism awareness month, the birthday of some really cool people, you know who you are :-) The day i got the evaluation report for my son, not an easy thing to read!

Alright I can feel crappy and still be thankful right?

So I thought I would start with a picture of Jess....OK it was late and I remembered that I needed to take a picture and Jess came in to finish eating her dinner...So I took her picture....see what a careful planner I am :-)

Number one,

I am thankful for you my Jess! Pasta sauce, freckles, ADHD,  autism and epilepsy all of the things that make you you!  I love the way your eyes flash turquoise when you are upset and bright blue when you smile, When you are working on your homework and you get the right answer Joy just flows from you! I love it when you jump, and when you giggle, then there are the moments when you need a rock, or when you need a hug and we connect PURE AWESOME!   I am so thankful that God has put you in my life!

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