Thursday, September 10, 2009

a wild flower

a wild flower
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
I am busy lately with the kids all starting school.
and preparing for a 504 meeting with Larry's school.
it's very difficult for me, but I need to push aside my feelings that I was tricked and work with them. Last year when we had a meeting to determine if he needed and IEP they made me sign a paper saying that I agreed with their findings that he didn't need an IEP I asked them about the private testing e were having done, "what if they give him a diagnosis?" they told me they would take any test results into consideration and reevaluate his when we got the diagnosis of Aspergers for him, I wrote asking the school to reconsider an IEP and got a call from the principal and the first thing she said was "well you signed the paper" needless to say I was not really nice to her and I still get angry thinking about it, but I need to put it aside.anger is not going to help me get what we need.

I do not care if they call it an IEP or a 504 what I care about is that the kid will be able to function in school on a level with his peers. That he is not going to be punished for being bullied, that he wont be alienated because of his disorder, that he be able to succeed, I cannot read that word without hearing Sacha Baron Cohen saying "there will be no sucking of seed going on here!" ROFL

So wish me luck, say a prayer, and on we go :)

1 comment:

datri said...

Our school has taken all but the most severe (as in nonverbal) kids with autism off IEPs and put them on 504s. My older daughter was taken off IEP and put on a 504, but she gets accommodations -- extra time and a separate location to take tests.