Monday, August 31, 2009

sprinkly park

sprinkly park
Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
here is a picture from last week Larry at the sprinkler park
I thought the picture would look good as a black and white but when I converted it I didn't like it I am not very skilled at editing black and whites :)

Today is the last day before school starts
I am taking Curly to meet her teachers at 1 actually I am planning on taking her earlier because I want to get a parking spot and get out early LOL I figure we can eat lunch in the car and then go in and meet the teachers :) get out and on my way :)
really why can't they design schools with bigger parking lots?

Larry and Moo stayed over night at my sister's house so they could go play with their cousins.

he was supposed to have a drs appointment today but I canceled after he heard me talking about how we were missing the get together today :( he was all sad because he wanted to go so I relented :) Drove an hour to drop them off yesterday, and hour home with Curly, and will drive 2 hours to get to My nephew's house today and then 2 hours back.

So why wont the boy get off the video games and socialize with his cousins?

I do know I need to make the trip down there more often I miss my family :( and I never get to see them anymore.

the thing I miss abotu homeschooling is the ability totake a monday off and travel down there to see them.

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