Tuesday, August 25, 2009

check out my blog makeover---last week of summer freedom

I have so much to do
I can say that the list I made of things to do with the kids over the summer went largely unchecked :( but we had a lot of fun anyway.

and my kids are going back to school

mixed emotions
Moo, Larry And Curly

Moo will be in the same class as last year but they changed the time to start earlier
not sure how I can do that...we need to wait and see what time Curly's bus picks her up before I stress about that LOL

Curly is going into the *gasp* first grade she will me mainly in a regular first grade with an aid to help her and with a back up special needs classroom, they will pull her out into if she gets overwhelmed or starts doing things to upset the flow of the class...I think the school is wonderful but now I am seeing that our goals for Curly are different....they want her to be like the other students, and to a point I want that too, but I am more concerned that she is getting what she needs
*sigh* I realize that I am not making that point, but I cringe when they say things like "we need to get her to stop playing in the dirt because the other students are noticing her dirty fingernails, and teasing her" when playing in the dirt is one of the things she finds the most joy in.

*sigh* so much of what they are working on is to make her not stand out in the class, and I know that this is good, but part of me is sad by that KWIM? I'm finally starting to understand the other side of the argument, the side of "don't cure autism, accept it" it's all so complex.

we had her evaluated for speech to see if her seizure meds are helping her, since her seizures are in the left cortex they tested her before meds and then 8 months after being on the meds

her understanding of speech is less---so she is losing speech even though she speaks better...its pretty confusing even after they explained it to me I still am not sure I quite grasp what they are saying...after we see her neurologist I'll have better info
where do we go from here?...it all depends on what the people at the insurance company think can it really be cheaper to try a new med for 8 months and then retest her than to just do another EEG?
I think 8 months is a long time in the life of a child, but
what do I know?

Larry is going into the sixth grade

more on him later because I need to go take him to his piano lesson

So how do you like my blog's new look?

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