Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Clarinet???

That is the advice we got from the psychologist

get him a band instrument and get him some lessons and get him into a band

he asked me if I ever saw "Music Man"

said something about 76 trombones and keeping kids out of pool halls, I think he was disappointed that I didn't know the reference *shrug* now I need to rent it LOL
so we should have got the kid a clarinet instead of a guitar.

what he means is that the boy needs to find a niche, something that gives him a feeling of belonging, and fitting in, and since he loves music and piano, he may love a band instrument and get into a school band and fit in.

he also wants the boy to have a neuropsychological assessment

hehe how much ya wanna bet that isn't covered on the insurance? LOL

he talked a lot about the dad/son relationship how much the kid adores his dad and wants to do things with him...that was kind of weird, he was talking about them building a go kart together or getting an old car or something to refurbish...I felt like I was transported to the Brady bunch for a second LOL

moo had a great day at school

we are supposed to get snow tomorrow

I hope there is no school, because I do not want to drive them LOL

hope you are doing well

I haven't really been keeping up and reading my favorite blogs lately :(

1 comment:

Carla said...

Well I was in the band and it didn't scar me too badly. ;)

Seriously, I agree, Band Geeks are pretty accepting people and I think we were all a tad...well..."Not the Coolest kids" in the school (Ya think?).

But clarinet?! Eh....I don't know about that one, although it could easily convert into Saxophone. Trumpet was pretty cool, as are Trombone, and French horn. All loud though. I can see him as a saxophone player though. ;) So, yeah, guess he should start out on clarinet.