Tuesday, December 16, 2008

we could use some prayers

we are having issues with the boy

a kid was bullying him in school
not real bullying, just minor stuff
but to mb it wasn't minor
last week he got detention for losing his cool and throwing something that ended up hitting another kid. He had a few days off because of the ice storm he didn't even do the detention yet

today was his first day back

argument with the same kid

the school has suspended him.
my kid, the little mapboy

I took him right from the school to the doctor's
Told them I wanted to take him off his meds that I would rather have a happy jumping around hyper kid that this

They convinced me that part of ADHD is impulsive behavior, and that this was probably an impulsive reaction to the bullying

they upped his meds, and told me to give him meletonin at night so he can be more well rested

and I need to find a therapist for him


I wish I knew what was the right thing to do :(


Unknown said...

Oh gosh sweetie... I'm sorry. I hope that the meds adjustment can help.

Jackie said...

Oh, M-A. I just saw this. It is so hard to know what to do...and what not to do. I go thru the same, and do NOT know the answers. I just keep telling myself, that ONE day, all this will be behind me..........and HOPEFULLY, he will be a well adjusted adult.

Let us know what happens!