Monday, June 23, 2008

hmm tonight I am not in a good spot

it's weird
my husband left and went to a store
my cell phone I left in the car
my van is in the shop

I wanted to call him and ask him to pick me up something but
my phone wont work
no line
no dial tone

no cell phone
no regular phone

now here is something you probably don't know about me
I really really don't like using the telephone
it borders on a phobia most anxiety attacks I get are because I don't want to make a phone call

my therapist I used to see, way back when I was super depressed in connecticut
she would make me hold a phone during our sessions

that was silly, but she was rather fascinated with it *shrug*

so we have someone (me) who hates phones
and she (me) is freaking out because she has no phone


I have no way of calling anyone
of communicating with anyone

I miss having a message board of people who I could talk to in such cases

I have google talk like an idiot
no one is ever signed on

I have no one

I am alone

did you hear George Carlin died?

does anyone even read this thing?


Susie J. said...

(((((Hugs)))) I read it, and I'm here if you want to email me and chat.

Carla said...

I read it. I've commented a few times but they don't always show up (moderation black hole I guess).


Anonymous said...

I read too. I'm just not in a talking or commenting mood lately.

Corrine said...

I read it as well but have been in a drug induced haze the last two weeks.
My mo used to have a fear of the phone as well. She has gotten way better since I call her everyday now :)

Unknown said...

I always thought perhaps my ex's mom had been scared by a phone when she was pregnant, because he avoided using them at all costs.

I didn't know you were over here sweets! I'm reading!