Friday, April 8, 2011

EIGHT - Sisters

Today Was Disco day in Jess' class  We got instructions to dress Jess in 70s attire . Most people who know me, know that I hate these special days when they are supposed to dress  in pajamas, or other such things KWIM?
Instead of stressing  over it, this time I utilized my good buddy Google Images LOL   I showed the girls what 70s fashion was like and I let them lose in their closet LOL  and I was really amazed, Moo loves clothes and fashion and she went to town dressing up Jess the giggles and laughter was awesome.

So Today I am thankful for Disco Day because I think it gave my girls a chance  to bond and become a little closer, Just look at  these sisters... I ask that you look NOT at the actual fashion but focus on the smiles :-) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute!
