"The real story of thanksgiving" Mapboy read the a title of a show on our tivo--I'd been saving it because I thought he would find it interesting. Moo said "the real story of thanksgiving is God." Jess, while stuffing noodles into her mouth, said "No it's eating turkey and pie!" Moo said "Thats just what they did, but the real meaning is praying and the only one you should pray to is God!" So Mapboy started telling his version of the story "in 1820 the pilgrims came to America...." Jess cut him off "PILGRIMS? I learned about that at home!"
She meant school, she sometimes mixes that up! so I asked her what she learned about pilgrims in school and she said "they eat turkey and pie! "
I don't think I have ever seen her so engaged in a conversation!
it made me laugh and cry!