Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yes we can!

life in this box

I've created this box
I live inside

I lock the doors

I stay and hide

the world will go

and have their games

I will sit here
and pray their names

I pout and cry "how could this be?"

but the only one who has a key.

is me

written at 14

some things stay relevant

Friday, June 13, 2008

off the meds

dr wants the boy off the meds
she believes, and I agree, that the side effects of the meds are worse than the ADHD. he needs to have a break from it all, so we will keep him off all weekend and if he does ok then on Monday I will send him to school without meds
if he doenst do well, then I will send him with meds
it's not like they are going to have any work that last week anyway right?
after a few weeks of no meds (hopefully) we will try something new that is supposed to have fewer side effects

no I have no picture to post of The boy at his graduation
I know they all came out horrible :(
here is a picture from the fall.

Moo got ahold of DH's beard trimmer and turned it on!!!!!
thankfully she got scared and dropped it and ddint get hurt but geeze

how many close calls do we have to have before the guy realizes that you can't leave anything out?????


want some mom?

here is a shot of Moo from last summer

OK messy and the autism spectrum

she got accepted into the K class for ASD kids


these are teachers trained in ASD
LOVE IT!!!!!!
meanwhile her summer school sessions will start mid July

she will be goign to yet another school, but it's the one her brother goes to now
can we confuse the kid any more??????

here is a picture of her form two years ago:

Two years ago!!!!

can you imagine her letting me do her hair like that now?????

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Well a crazy and wild night LOL

they had the fourth grade graduation tonight

FANTASTIC the kids sang and played their hearts out!!!
since the last time I went to a school play I had too little light and my pictures just really stunk
I had a plan, I would get there early and get a close up seat, and instead of using my silly telephoto
I would use my 1.4 and no plan was BRILLIANT!


I was not the only one who thought of it

not only did I not get a seat in the front...I didn't get a seat at all, do you believe it, I got there 30 minutes early and the seats were FULL . I had two little ones so we picked an out of the way corner of the back I had the total worse lens for sitting in the back of the auditorium.

Oh well DH did make it there after I totally guilted him into leaving work early
Boy was thrilled to see his dad there.

once Dh got there I did get a few minutes to pull out the video camera
so maybe something came out but I doubt it, it's a big room *shrug*

congratulations my boy
tomorrow they will have a picnic and then one last week of school, but I am unsure as to what they are going to do for a whole week LOL

I will post a new pic of him with his diploma tomorrow

gotta go watch the celtics

please pray for David Jr

My nephew
he has muscular dystrophy
he is 34 years old (I think)

He is sick and in the hospital

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


did you ever see The Incredibles?

Helen: I can't believe you don't want to go to your own son's graduation.
Bob: It's not a graduation. He is moving from the 4th grade to the 5th grade.
Helen: It's a ceremony!
Bob: It's psychotic! They keep creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity, but if someone is genuinely exceptional...

Ok yes the dad doenst think it's a big deal so he will not take time off of work to go and see his kid's graduation he will be in RI

SO I will be going with the girls with no help. oh joy!

they may be celebrating mediocrity, but ther eis on little boy is is VERY VERY bummed out that his dad wont be there!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

some times I feel like

somebody's watching me.


I'm ok really!


you know you spend too much time at the pediatricians when...

You call and say "how soon can I get my son into to see Dr ____________"

and the receptionist answers "we can get Devin in to see her on Monday the 16th"

I told her "Ok you know I didn't have to tell you who I was you knew it" she laughed and said "Oh MRs Hussey we are very familiar with your voice" ROFL

I know it's not really funny

I got a call from the boy's teacher...she was crying
"I'm so worried about him, he has emotional meltdowns, must be 7 or 8 a day"


Monday, June 9, 2008

In the name of God

A friend of mine said to me the other day "my pastor would be screaming at me if he found out I went to see Rosie O'Donnell" I said "that my friend is why i don't go to your church" I also added that I do not go around judging people, and that I think as a Christian you are supposed to love everyone no matter what.

Ok she agreed with me, but I don't think she really did. it's obvious to you that she and I are not the best of friends, she is someone who I met through the homeschooling I will admit that I was more than a little upset with her I really have very little tolerance for intolerance...yes I do know how ironic that is LOL I believe that some people use religion to justify discrimination. who cares if someone is Gay, or Muslim?

little did I know, but my boy was listening
So we had to have a few discussions about things I was not quite ready to discuss.

why does it have to matter so much to some people?
autum rainbow

PS how do ya like my new father's day Header?


the heat is unbearable

again I question the thought behind the robin's choice for a nest in the hot sun

noticed no nest activity for a couple of days so I took a peek

empty nest :(

not sure why

just sad


lining up