So today is world autism awareness day
So what's the thing I want the world to be aware of? I guess it would have to be. Sibling awareness! autism impacts every member of the family!
I feel like the world doesn't understand how much autism affects Moo, come on if you have siblings there must have been at least one time in your childhood where you felt that life was unfair. Imagine what it's like when both of those siblings have autism? I've seen Moo stand up to protect her sister, and I've had to sooth her when she has been the recipient of one of her sister's rages.
she is amazing really! she seems to have the ability to understand Jess when no one else does. And she gives up so much weather it's being quiet during homework time, or going with Jess' choice when they are fighting over what game to play or show to watch.
So here I am sitting at Wendy's with my family updating my blog via the iPod touch. And the thing I am thankful for is Megan my youngest kid who is anything but typical she may drive me batty at times but she amazes me even more!
We love you Moo!