Friday, November 21, 2008
IEP anxiety?
I keep saying to myself "these people have good hearts, these people have Messy in their hearts"
DH is home
and some other stuff for the other kids
this is such a busy time of year
I need to get prepped for the IEP meeting, and I need to get prepped for Thanksgiving
I'm thankful to have the IEP meeting :)
So I'll probably be busy for a couple weeks
not that I have been overly active lately LOL
it's always something right?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I saw a new bird today
this is a bird of prey
have not identified it yet
and thinking a juvie peregrine, but I can't imagine a peregrine living around here no cliffs, no tall buildings *shrug*
so I am searching for what it might be
I actually picked up my camera and took a picture of it before it flew away :) but it had the wide angle lens so it's hard to see
going to pick up the boy he is so much better at Id-ing the birds than I am so I'm bringing the bad image I took, and the bird ID books :)
it really is exciting when you see a new bird, I think I have become bored with birdwatching lately because I haven't seen anything new.
I know I am sure no one else is as excited about seeing a new bird as I am LOL
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
school photo rant
from the web site of the photography place that did the boy's school pics
Q: What will my child's pictures look like?
Unlike most school pictures, our unique portraits are taken outdoors, allowing for a natural, softly focused background. The outdoor setting also helps the students to relax, creating a portrait parents are proud to display. Please read your upcoming Portrait Day Notice for specific information about possible weather delays. If necessary, photos may be taken indoors with a neutral backdrop.
OK does it say in there that the person who chooses the spot does not understand that you should not sit the kids with the sun behind them? I mean the class pic is so pathetic you can't even see the kids faces
plus my kid has transition lenses and so we got a shot of him in sunglasses WOW how wonderful
remind me not to order them next year sheesh!
oh yeah the best thing about it is the little note that came in the package
picture retake day is November 17
let me guess that they didn't have any kids who needed a retake SINCE WE DIDN'T HEAR ABOUT IT TIL TODAY! and a quick look at the calendar will tell you that today is November 18th I had to check twice!
ok I am still having a good day just a splattered bug on the windshield of my life ROFL
yeah I like quoting Garfield :)
yesterday ...what a day!
was rushing to get Messy home to put her on the bus so I thought "I'll check that out when I get home"
Nope what the light was saying is that my car was overheating
so by continuing on I caused a back up of pressure, which caused a piece of the radiator to blow out and spray coolant all over my engine, which meant the belts slipped so the car wasn't getting any juice from the battery. so when I put my foot on the break to let the guy merge in front of me the car stalled out and died right there, in the middle of the highway.
when the tow truck came, they couldn't tow us because I had two kids in the car and he said he wasn't authorized to transport children
the care van came and said "I'm not authorized to transport children" but he and I convinced the tow truck guy that it was probably safer for the kids to get off the highway, and they pushed my car to the breakdown lane. WHEW! I tell you it was by the Grace of God that we are all here today!
waiting for the state came...nope he isn't going to transport kids either, but another will. the next statie got out of hsi car and shook his head wildly at me "no way! I am not authorized to transport children" sheesh he seemed angry with me, and what is the deal with them saying the same thing? what are they reading from the same script? the the cop says "isn't there someone you could call" yeah sure dude I haven't thought of that<-----that was sarcasm who can help me? remember DH is 12 hours away, so it has to be someone else who isn't taking their own kids to school, and can fit two kids in their car *sigh* got my friend Shaine after she got home, she came and got us, and she drove us to the garage, and then to the second garage because when I talked to DH on the phone he said he wanted them to tow it to our regular place...I didnt like it but I paid for them to tow it from one garage to another.
anywayto make a long story short, yeah I know it isn't short, we got the car fixed
and we paid a lot of money.
so the sunny side of the story :)
the damage was not as bad as it could have been
the police man told me about an expired sticker instead of giving me a ticket for it
I got to have the most delicious tomato soup for lunch I love Panara!
my autistic daughter did not FREAK out when things didn't go on her schedule she handled it AWESOME!
of any day for the car to break down Monday is it because Mapboy goes to the after school homework help thingy on Mondays so I didn't have to pick him up until 6:30 which was perfect timing.
I got to see my good friend and have lunch with her :)
I learned a valuable lesson about idiot lights as my garage guy said "the idiot lights don't work if you are such an idiot you don't listen to them" ROFL
I am so glad this didn't happen when my cell phone was not working
now I am off to get a new sticker before my good luck runs out :)
hope you all have a nice day
Sunday, November 16, 2008
a quick note to my mom
I've quoted her about 7 times and I haven't felt like that was bad once LOL
I bet she is smiling down on me
you were right, I do understand things better Now that I have kids of my own, and
heck anything they have done is nothing compared to some of the crap I did, remember when I jumped rope on your station wagon? Heck when I was MB's age I was sneaking cigarettes in the back yard!! Please I can take a clogged toilet anytime!
So I'm sorry for the bad things I've said about your parenting, and thanks for all the love
now that that is out of the way
we are all staying home from church because of colds and sneezing and sniffles, but we need to go to the store because we need bread and milk
boy still has a boatload of homework
mommy is going to jump in the shower