Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Church family

Thankful by machris (Mary-Ann)
Thankful, a photo by machris (Mary-Ann) on Flickr.

I've said it before, and I will say it again, I have the BEST church family! I cannot even begin to explain all the reasons I am thankful for my church family, not just the church the organization, not just the church the building, but yes the church the people.
one thing I like about the church is that they accept us....and they are there though good times and bad.

after our last experience I truly thought I would never feel comfortable in a church again, yet here I am!
And I can say I am looking forward to becoming more involved next year :-)

I want to share a conversation this morning as we were getting ready for church

Me- "Girls do you want to get moving and get ready for church, or do you want to stay home with dad?" girls- "we wanna go to church!" me -"are you sure? you remember it's summer now so no Sunday school, do you still want to go to Church?" girls - "YES Church! Church! Church!"
How cool is that?
Oh the boy is at boy scout camp.