Friday, September 5, 2008

So my son is a middle schooler, my day off, and the photo challange

I didn't cry the whole time

the applying for the school
the getting accepted
getting the news that the school was moving
filling out mountains of paperwork
that first day of school...dropping him off..seeing him tentatively walking up to the other kids...who all seemed to look 5 years older than my baby LOL
the odd feeling of picking him up where they just let him out and I didn't have to sign him out

no tears about my baby being a middle schooler

But today I am reading over the student handbook, and the contracts...I need to sign the contract and part of it, I need to sign that I am familiar with the handbook, so I am trying to get familiar KWIM?

so what on the handbook did Get me so upset

the legal part, the part where they talk about drugs, and weapons and violence, rape and sexual assault...the part where it says
Additionally, per civil rights afforded to all individuals, students who are pregnant at
(name of school removed) are permitted to remain in regular education classes and participate in
extracurricular activities with non- pregnant students throughout their pregnancy.
After giving birth, they are permitted to return to the same academic and
extracurricular program as before they participated in before they left.

Ok so all the progress I thought I had made over the years I am still that mom who was so terrified to put her kid on the kindergarten bus, that she decided to homeschool him

I will not homeschool, I will not homeschool, I will not homeschool, I will not homeschool, I will not homeschool, I will not homeschool, I will not homeschool.

the photo challenge today is Trees :)

I didn't take them yet, but today is my day off :)
yes my Dh is watching the kids all day, so I am off to find some trees :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


just a couple pics

I learned how to do textures

I've been afraid to try but it was really easy

my last post LOL

man I am a bid distracted today

a LOT going on

We are waiting for a call form the epilepsy doctor

apparently the blood test showed that they need to increase the dose

then I am going out to luch wiht a friend

dh is watching the kiddos

cool huh?

Well The boy loves his new school

and I can drop him off at 7:30

so i can be back at the bus stop for the girl at 8:20 no problem!!!!!

in the afternoon he gets picked up at 3:00
she gets out at 3:18

we still have o idea when the bus will drop her off, but I am assuming that I will make it :)

it takes 18 minutes without traffic...of course in the morning there is always traffic...and more traffic going back home than to the school .and if your stupid enough to pull into a parking lot at the boy's school expect some delay time because all the other kid's moms are not going to let you back out of the spot ROFL

lesson least I learned it before the kindergartner starts :)

picking him up was crazy he isn't an elementary kid anymore, middle school just opens the door and lets the floodgates out ROFL
it reminded me of my school when I was a kid on the last day of school ROFL

he of course left his lunch box and thermos at school yeah am I surprised?

Messy, her first day is Monday

we went in for a story time
after a few minutes they decided they are going to need to buy a chair for her.
I was very pleased with the sped teacher talking with her about Messy's goals

financially for at least now we cannot swing the after school homework help thingy for MB

but we are working on tightening up the budget because I think it's going to help us KWIM?

oh one of my fave restaurants is closed

it's probably our fault since we don't go out to eat all that much anymore LOL I actually can't remember the last time we went

you think I am kidding? I am really not it's surprising that as much as I love to cook, I also Love to eat out

not anymore when dinner at McDonald's cost 36 bucks, you decided to cook at home more ROFL

only I would feel guilty because I didn't eat a a restaurant and they closed

ugh I have to get rolling on Messy's school papers
you would not believe the stack of forms I need to fill out!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

well I met the teachers and aids today

the most amazing thing? Messy saw her old teacher there who just happened to be there with her son who is in Kindergarten and Messy of course freaked out because she knows her and sees her in an out of order place....but then she saw her old Aid from preschool, the woman was also there with her daughter and she quietly came up to me and said hi knowing Messy might freak out, but messy turned around and saw her, buried her head in my shoulder for a minute and then popped her head out and smiled at her she stayed there for a bit while I talked and got a little shy when the aide talked to her again, and then she just got comfortable with the idea and was smiling at her and even talked to her a little

this has never happened before

heck if *I* go to her school she freaks out because I am not a school person so this is MAJOR

she loved her classroom

loved the Other room, I'm not sure what they call it, but it's a small classroom for kids with autism apparently there are 4 kids in that class.

I'm worried that she will not do well in the regular classroom but I know she will love the other class

tomorrow I go for a meeting with her team

Gosh good thing Dh took the day off because he was supposed to be away and no way I woudl be able to get a sitter on such short notice

I *THINK* that the insurance company will be covering regular speech therapy since the dr thinks the speech problems are caused by epilepsy not autism...
really they should change it so autism is covered how many kids go without therapy because they can't get it covered?

it's just silly

a lot of people get rich in the world of autism and it isn't the schools, and it isn't the parents

The boy starts school tomorrow

he is nervous

Monday, September 1, 2008

No pictures please

About 12 years ago DH and I went to buy a condo on the beach
it was BEAUTIFUL every room had a view it was just what we wanted, it was part of our "well we can't have kids we might as well have fun" plan. it was WAY too expensive, but I was waiting on a promotion and we WANTED it
I remember it was a cold day, we interviewed with the owners and filled out the paper work
and after we went to the beach to soak in the peace that only the ocean can bring on a cold winter day the ocean was PERFECT!

But it was windy and the wind kept whipping the sand in my face
it HURT a whole lotta hurt! So maybe the beach is not always peaceful

a couple days later we learned that another couple beat us to the condo so we didn't get it :(

a couple days after that I trucked my burning itchy painful face to the doctors

Rosacea was the diagnosis some cream, a few changes in lifestyle.. the interesting thing was when we moved to out new apartment that was far away form the ocean we learned that the person who lived there before me had a rosacea newsletter sent to I learned about changing your lifestyle
no more spicy food, no walks on a windy beach, no hot soup or hot coffee, special make-up

I have never had my face bother me as bad at that first outbreak

I even stopped using the cream, maybe the doctor misdiagnosed, I mean she said I was going to have trouble getting PG, and now I have three kids right? I even introduced back some hot coffee, and occasionally A piece of hot chili chocolate.


Friday night Dh brought me home a chocolate chipotle brownie

I ate it and complained about not really being able to taste the peppers but it was heating my face up

well now I have a full blown rosacea outbreak

NOW like 12 years and three kids and a house later NOW it's bothering me

it's just like that first time the itchy, the burning the annoying

I look like WC Fields

no pictures pleas LOL