Saturday, June 7, 2008

not a good day

It's hot
and everyone is grumpy

including me

I can't even put up a new picture because I don't have tiem to take/upload/edit pictures anymore

so i will put up an old one that makes em smile
I need all the smiles I can get today

colored markers

Friday, June 6, 2008

I promised Jo I would post today LOL

I am cleaning trying to make room downstairs
Obviously my internet use will be minimal until I can get my computer moved
DH doenst want to do it, so I will have to do it myself!

so I am moving DH's mothers organ down there, and then setting up a desk in the living room

Dh doenst know it yet, I know he isn't going to like it

don't really care to be honest LOL

today I watched Rosie O'donnell on Paula's party

AWESOME! I do love that Ro

sometime I will tell you the story of what happened when one of my friends questioned why I went to meet her

You will die!!!!!!!!

I love my kids you know!

on the fence two

Thursday, June 5, 2008

two birds

Wednesday, June 4, 2008



Yes folks we got the pathology report back on the lump that Devin had removed from his head
it took all of five minutes for the doctor to look and make sure his scar is healing fine, then he grumbled about someone not putting the info he needed in the report and said "lets see what the pathology report says"
flips on the computer click click click:


You know I tried really hard not to worry about it but...

Mary-Ann is taking one of these huge bricks off of her shoulder and throwing it away!

woo hoo!

food dyes? read this and tell me what you think.

ah I pasted it from here

A consumer advocacy group called on the Food and Drug Administration Tuesday to ban the use of eight artificial colorings in food because the additives may cause hyperactivity and behavior problems in some children.

Controlled studies conducted over three decades have shown that children's behavior can be worsened by some artificial dyes, says the Center for Science in the Public Interest. The group noted the British government is successfully pressuring food manufacturers to switch to safer colorings.

Over the years, the FDA has consistently disputed the center's assertion. The agency's Web site contains a 2004 brochure that asks the question: "Do additives cause childhood hyperactivity?"

"No. Although this hypothesis was popularized in the 1970's, well-controlled studies conducted since then have produced no evidence that food additives cause hyperactivity or learning disabilities in children," the agency said.

Julie Zawisza, an FDA spokeswoman, said Tuesday that color additives undergo safety reviews prior to approval for marketing and that samples of each artificial coloring are tested. She said the agency reviewed one of the studies that the center cites in its petition calling for a ban.

"(We) didn't find a reason to change our conclusions that the ingredients are safe for the general population," Zawisza said. "Also note that the European Food Safety Agency has a similar view."

Food manufacturers agree with the FDA's claim that food dyes are safe, telling CBS News: "There is no need for consumers to alter their purchasing and eating habits."

But Beth Tribble says her 9-year-old Michael experienced hyperactivity, impulsivity and restlessness for years - until the minute she removed the dyes from his diet, reports CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes.

"There is no purpose for these dyes to be in our food," Tribble said.

Read Nancy Cordes' blog about food dyes.

Whole Foods and Trader Joe's claim their products have none - but in most supermarkets, dye-filled foods can be hard to spot, reports Cordes.

Dyes are used in countless foods and are sometimes used to simulate the color of fruits or vegetables. The additives are particularly prevalent in the cereals, candies, sodas, and snack foods pitched to kids.

"The purpose of these chemicals is often to mask the absence of real food, to increase the appeal of a low-nutrition product to children, or both," said the center's executive director, Michael F. Jacobson. "Who can tell the parents of kids with behavioral problems that this is truly worth the risk?"

Fast Fact

The colorings the center seeks to ban are: Yellow 5, Red 40, Blue 1, Blue 2, Green 3, Orange B, Red 3, and Yellow 6.

The center's petition asks the FDA to require a warning label on foods with artificial dyes while it mulls the group's request to ban the dyes outright.

Robert Brackett, chief science officer for the Grocery Manufacturers Association, said the overwhelming majority of scientific evidence confirms the safety of certified food dyes.

"Based on these findings, there is no need for consumers to alter their purchasing and eating habits," Brackett said. "They and their children can safely enjoy food products containing these food colors."

The colorings the center seeks to ban are: Yellow 5, Red 40, Blue 1, Blue 2, Green 3, Orange B, Red 3, and Yellow 6.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Well we have at least one baby bird

the boy is excited!

I swore I saw a dead baby in the nest, I didn't want to take a long hard look, as I didn't want to bring the nest's attention to any predators.

Well I saw a blue egg with a hole in it and I could see baby bird in the hole, and I saw the body of a baby bird....wasn't moving so I assumed it was dead.

I had my little "feeling sorry for the robins" moment

but now I see two robins bringing food to and from the nest

so now I assume that at lease one baby lived, and maybe they all lived and I just didn't knwo what I was looking at?

don't want to get a picture as i really am afraid the snakes or the neighbors cat will find them

but I have a picture from a few days ago


A big ole sigh

June 2, 2008

Dear Parents:

Today at the end of lunch recess a student reported to a safety monitor that one of their fellow students had bullets in his pocket to show a friend. The student was then immediately brought into the principal. After investigation, the student was suspended and the _______ Police department was contacted to follow up with the family.

This is a good time to once again remind your children that bullets (and other ammunitions), knives and other weapons are prohibited at school and buses at any time. Our goal is to keep our children safe.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me




green with a hat

Monday, June 2, 2008

laundry list

Ok I just want to know where the term "Laundry list" came from?

I am trying to learn how to organize myself
I am learning the art of making lists, shopping lists, to do lists, honey do lists.
but a laundry list?
I must do laundry, but I cannot imagine making a list about it
plus doesn't a laundry list mean a long list? do you know how short my laundry list would be?

  1. whites
  2. colors
  3. pinks
  4. towels
I can figure that one out right in my head!

*shrug* does not make sense to me
if you want to say "i have a long list of things to do"
then why not just say
"I have a long list of things to do" not
"I have a laundry list of things to do"


I have to go because I have a long list of things to do

Rosie gave me chocolate


From Jo

laundry list Definition

laundry list


Informal a lengthy, inclusive list of data, matters for consideration, etc., often one regarded as unorganized or showing a lack of necessary selectiveness

ok ok I guess then all my lists are laundry lists LOL

Sunday, June 1, 2008

meeting rosie

I'll blog more later

right now I am loaded with laundry
and I am trying to figure out this adobe premiere
I want to edit movies so they don't all look like this LOL

in defense this video was taken by a nine year old LOL